The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Directly he’s a coward, but 100% he’ll snap order any kind of violence for other people to carry out. Why would he care? He’s always been ensconced in privilege and he’s got the drunk uncle tells you he’d bomb the Middle East to kill the Mooslims to show them who’s boss mentality.


It doesn’t matter whether or not he’s a martyr. There’s no way Pence or Don Jr. or Ivanka could win at this point.

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Probably assigning too much thought to his bloated head but if I was him I would be very afraid of igniting an actual nationwide war in the streets. We are very very close to that right now. If he guns down a crowd of protesters I think there will be millions in the streets burning stuff down and probably worse. It will make what has happened the last several nights look like nothing.

I don’t know. Me might see de-escalation as backing down and therefor being a loser. He’s shown that he’s not a single mindedly bloodthirsty as some of his advisors with the Iran stuff, but I think it might be a different deal with local unrest where’s he’s more intimately acquainted with being in New York in the 70’s and 80’s. He might think think domination via overwhelming force regardless of consequences, is the only way to go, as that was a lot of the rhetoric during the 70s and 80s.

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Come on, it’s not as bad as Dijon mustard.


They don’t think they’re really America citizens. They think they’re traitors.

While they proudly wave confederate battle flags at every opportunity.

One goal of protesting is baiting oppressors into a disproportionate response. In theory, you want Trump to react stupidly.

Salt Lake City: just watched recycling enforcement person (I made that up, I don’t know what they’re called) go through neighbor’s bin, pull some materials out and leave a notice. Just seems bizarre with tanks in the streets.

Apparently Trump is doing a presser at 2 (so 3). What could go wrong?

Edit: Might only be Goebbels Barbie

Going to go with… he comes out and is all unity and deescalation.

Some media person says Trump looks presidential, calming the nerves of the nation.

That lasts for 2 hours until he tweets that he’s instituted the death penalty for petty theft and saying mean things to police officers

Bringing up dijon mustard is sending me, do you realize that Obama called Baltimore protestors thugs and crushed the Occupy movement

Sure, he didn’t call for specific divisions to murder protestors. But the comparison is not fucking dijon mustard

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I don’t see how Trump will be striking a unifying tone after we’ve already heard tape of him telling Governors to use the National Guard and “dominate”.