The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

These ads don’t talk about foreign policy, either. And for good reason: these Lincoln Project slappies are all basic Republicans who want the US to be occupying the Middle East permanently and for Saudi Arabia to do whatever the fuck its wants to journalists. Mitt Romney wanted to double the size of Guantanamo. But instead of telling us what kind of foreign policy Biden will give us, we get Confederate flag bullshit. Man, no one is going to turn out to vote for Biden for that.

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From 2016 and he has only gotten worse.

One story on what happened when Trump’s dad died in 1999:

In 1999, the family patriarch died, and 650 people, including many real estate executives and politicians, crowded his funeral at Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth Avenue. But the drama was hardly put to rest. Freddy’s son, Fred III, spoke at the funeral, and that night, his wife went into labor with their son, who developed seizures that led to cerebral palsy. The Trump family promised that it would take care of the medical bills.

Then came the unveiling of Fred Sr.’s will, which Donald had helped draft. It divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, “other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.” Freddy’s children sued, claiming that an earlier version of the will had entitled them to their father’s share of the estate, but that Donald and his siblings had used “undue influence” over their grandfather, who had dementia, to cut them out. A week later, Mr. Trump retaliated by withdrawing the medical benefits critical to his nephew’s infant child.

** “I was angry because they sued,” he explained during last week’s interview.**

It’s is a remarkable talent to make literally everything worse. It will be a shame if he can’t monetize it after everything is turned to a pile of ash.

This could be good:

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( twitter | raw text )

I don’t see how any good could come from this.

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Trump is King Mierda. He’s got the mierda touch. Everything he touches turns to shit.

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Probably gonna talk more about China and leave without taking questions.

I mean, why would he ever take questions from this point forward?

I was thinking about it and yeah, not sure what good will come out of this. But maybe they’ll help a lot of people process stuff by saying it on the air for so many to hear. Kind of like how posters here engage with our few deplorables not because they think they have a chance at changing anyone’s mind, but because their dialogue helps those of us just reading to process our own thoughts and feelings.

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And here we go. Going all in on “more violence against the protesters.”

“Where is the President, why isn’t he addressing the nation?”

“The President has made many statements. Also statements don’t stop anarchy.”

( twitter | raw text )

I’m at the point where I’d like to see Trump get Gaddafi’d. It’s obviously never gonna happen.


Kayleigh is Terry Bull.

She’s terrible at the job because, like Spicer, she has a very small amount of shame. Huckabeast was a stone cold killer.


I’m not kink-shaming your bayonet fetish.