The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I was going to make a joke about when white supremacy was labeled as a terrorist organization, but then I was looking for a source and educated myself.

But the State Department classified RIM as a “specially designated global terrorist” (SDGT), which is a much more limited measure. An SDGT designation means that the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control applies sanctions to the individual or organization that has been designated. In plain language, the United States can apply financial sanctions to the group, but it can’t prosecute any current or future members of RIM based on their membership in the group alone.

In other words, even in this one instance, the United States has not criminalized white supremacist activity at the same level that it has criminalized extremist Islamist activity.

What this all means is that the administration’s designation of RIM is less consequential than media reports suggest. The United States has not legally designated a white supremacist organization as a “foreign terrorist organization.” It didn’t choose to apply its first white supremacist terrorist designation — a symbolically important move — to a particularly well-known organization. And this designation alone does not demonstrate that the United States treats white supremacist violence as a serious threat.

my god

This is a man who eats his Snickers with a knife and fork

New name for Esper, “Battlespace Bitch”

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Wait does this make someone a bad person

*asking for a friend

if you had Republicans literally trying to start a war in america as a response to this…

you can fill the free space on your bingo card

I just ignore them–we’re not the target audience but they’re actually spending their own money so if they want to waste it whatever, it’s not hurting anything but that also means they’re not grifters either. Grifters don’t lose their own money.

To my recollection, they’ve been trying to start a war ever since they lost the last one. They might finally have provoked people into a proportional response.

I know things are moving fast, but come on

narrator: lolololololollloll I flucking quit


Ann has never trolled us before

Right. Leadership stops anarchy, and we certainly not going to get any of that.

Not a lawyer, but that sounds like a terroristic threat to me.

Don’t be ridiculous, that’s clearly a troubled white youth.


A lot of people were afraid Cotton could win a presidential election because he can say a lot of the same stuff as Trump where a lot of people won’t catch it but in reality he isn’t going to get the nomination because it also goes over his own bases heads.

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Rick Wilson kinda hinted at the same thing. Said he spoke to an ex secret service agent and it was very interesting or something to that effect.

Nah he’s careful with his wording not to make an overt threat. Just like that weasel Gaetz JAQing with that tweet. A million+ people will report it and nothing will happen.