The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

there were seemingly a dozen there’s always a tweet just on the last few days but gotta admit I didn’t expect that of the white house lights.

I’m old enough in this presidency to remember the nobody’s used the hatch act in over 200 years come on now libtards comments.

(though this might’ve been used on the king riots)

Oh. And we have a Trump “statement” coming soon I see on MSNBC. I think military occupation has a better chance than resignation.

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( twitter | raw text )

Remember a few years ago when anti-government Antifa extremists occupied a federal facility and Obama basically did nothing for 40 days?

Oh wait, that wasn’t Antifa, that was Ammon Bundy. I wonder if Trump was advocating for the 101st Airborne back then.


It was, and IIRC that’s the most recent time. Worm, & CA gov at the time, P.Wilson asked Bush II to do it. Trump is threatening something different: doing it unilaterally.

Looks like its a given he’s going to walk off without answering questions again. Back in the day, they would just do statements like this from the oval office with no reporters there. The optics of walking off while reporters shout questions looks much worse.

A tale of two outlets. I just picked out the parts of the story that go together, almost like the Fox News cuts off with a TO BE CONTINUED and then flipped over to CNN for the exciting resolution.

Charlamagne tha God then pressed Limbaugh on why the Floyd case is “making you say, ‘enough is enough.’”

“Because I’m fed up with it,” Limbaugh responded. “I’m not tolerant with any of them but I’m fed up with it, Charlamagne … To me, and I know you’re going to disagree with me on this, this is not America.”

“No, it’s definitely America,” Charlamagne tha God pushed back.

“But it’s not what we can be,” Limbaugh continued. “It’s not what we have been. We’re the greatest nation in the history of the world and we haven’t achieved that on the basis of --”

“But for who though, Rush?” the “Breakfast Club” co-host interjected. “I think it’s easy for you to say because you’re a white male and that comes with a different level of privilege. And I do think America does work, but it works for the people who it’s designed to work for. Doesn’t work for everybody else the way it works for you.”

“White supremacy or white privilege is a construct of today’s Democratic Party, and I’m not going to agree with any aspect of it as they put it forth,” Limbaugh said. “I’m not denying that there are certain individuals out there that think they are better than other people. But structurally, institutionally, white supremacy — that’s a construct.”

“You can’t see how white people are just treated better in this country? … I’m talking about thrown out your car by a police officer because you’re black driving a nice car!” Charlamagne said. “Or walking down the street in Queens, the area where you’re from, and the police pulling you over and patting you down. Has these things happened to you?”

"No, see I’m a hermit, a recluse, and I don’t go out and do all that kind of stuff, "Limbaugh said. “No that kind of stuff has never happened to me, I’ll grant you.”

I can’t even imagine how or why anyone in the White House thinks Trump dispassionately mumbling through prepared remarks like a god damn hostage forced to record his captors’ propaganda is a good idea, politically or otherwise.

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Stock market up again today. Are military occupations good for the market?

I guess this dumbass is intentionally late to these press conferences?

What’s going on in DC outside of the White House is so gross.

He’s got the brain rot involuntary body jerks going today

This guy sure knows how to bring people together.

Well, this is even more disgusting than I expected.

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What a coward.


It always gets worse. Always.

I long for the days of embarrassing virus pressers.


Will the military be patronizing the businesses in their free time?

Deploying the military onto American citizens. GG America.