The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

well he called the magatards just last night or two and only the cops showed up so…

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The last time he did this he erased $1T off the NYSE.

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I don’t care if he makes a concession and I hope he’s not at the inauguration. And none of that leaving a letter for the next guy crap either.

well, it’ll only be a single letter, maybe a U after it.


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100% we live in a simulation


Still blows my mind this is from 1999. El-P flexing like a combo of Orwell and Vonnegut.


If he clearly loses I think it will be an excruciating lame duck period but ultimately he will just use his power to steal more money and trade a peaceful transition for immunity.

If it is at all close it will go to the Supreme Court, which, who fucking knows.

Wow, an actually good anti-Trump ad?! That supercut paints such a clear picture of how terrible a leader he is. Doesn’t Bloomberg owe us a bunch of money to campaign against Trump? Get that video plastered on every TV in America.


I more or less agree. If he gets completely crushed and starts completely loses it, I could see the GOP agreeing to article 25 on him - especially if the senate goes dem. I mean, the real GOP brokers think he’s useless, they’d have the Supreme Court, they’ll fuck around for the dems on some window dressing nonsense and aim for 2024 due to the economy having tanked blaming on the dems. Looking at Trump, he’s a huge dog to live to 2024 anyway. If it ends up being very close, I agree with Riverman, meaning who the fuck knows.

I’m assuming that Bloomberg is going to rummage his sofa and carpetbomb the key states in Nov. - if he doesn’t it means the race is so far in the bag he thinks he’s just wasting dollars, or the fix is really in - but from everything I’ve read he REALLY hates Trump and I think he’d like to torture him just for sport



Secret Service moves out first family during inauguration. All of Trump’s possessions get set on the curb and eviction notice nailed to the door IIRC. We should check in with Preet or other lawbros to confirm.

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I guess I’m too cynical, or blinded by my personal hatred for Trump and his base, but when I watched that ad I just pictured MAGA chuds swelling with pride.


It really feels like these fux are going for it.

In a post internet world this power grab by one party was inevitable.

Holding out hope but desperately trying to have an off grid homestead set up by the end of the year.

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Same reaction for me. Which is why I think as an ad, its OK at best.

I get that he is evil. But the best ads aren’t the ones that expose the evil. The best ads are the ones that make him looked like an idiot.

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Drawing live to it? That’s gotta be the betting favorite if he loses.