The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I’ve been thinking about this. Do Tweets get scrubbed when you delete your Twitter? My FB is a big problem, too, if this is the road that we’re going down.

You definitely can’t access them by going to the page, not sure whether you can find them on some sort of wayback machine. I’d expect that it doesn’t matter much to Facebook as they’ll probably be working with law enforcement and keep things archived. Not that twitter wouldn’t. I just undeleted, felt bitch made. I can probably beat a charge with my resources unless we go full fash, if we do then welp.

I’m mostly just nervous because a lot of my legacy followers are right wing poker shitheads that pop out of the woodwork to call me a hippie and the like when I start posting about kids in cages. Oh well. Least I can do is keep spreading the message.

I drove by the Vegas protests last night and just kinda got spooked because it was a 25 wide column with 40% masks. Right around the corner there was some sort of classic car festival going on that had 2% masks. Fucking pandemic. I’m such a coward.
( twitter | raw text )

According to CNN, Trump was recently moved to the underground WH bunker.

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What a coward.

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Can’t be true, Donnie Dumb Dumb is such a big tough man surely he is at the front lines showing those uppity urban Thugs what’s what. STRENGTH!

good ad material if people are smart enough to use it, show how weak he really is

When Trump arrived in Cape Canaveral, though, he seemed to want a campaign ad, not a moment of American reconciliation, and soon after he walked onto the rooftop, the song “Macho Man,” by the Village People, a staple of his campaign rallies, began blaring from the speakers. The spectacle of a florid disco tribute to the President at such a time could not have been more discordant, or the message clearer: it’s all about Trump.


All of those people are from out of state obv


I’m full tinfoil hat when it comes to this stuff. The government is already collecting, analyzing, and archiving every single available shred of information about all of us. Deleting tweets and Twitter accounts only serves to disguise your public face. Everything is otherwise permanent.

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That MeidasTouch anti-Trump spot is awesome.


In 2017, on Twitter, she had shown support for the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. By late 2018, she was inveighing against “anti-Russian propaganda” in America.

“Why would a liberal Democrat support Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin?” she wrote in an essay on Medium. “Maybe it is because I believe he has saved the world from a large conflict on more than one occasion.”

She reposted that essay on the information-sharing social platform Quora, where she was following three accounts, all Russian-oriented, including those of a self-described former “Soviet propaganda executive” and a “Russian national-conservative” who has alleged that Ukraine’s anti-Moscow regime is a puppet of Mr. Biden.

She told visitors about a Russian man with whom she was video-chatting online.

The relationship was active when she made her first public accusations of harassment against Mr. Biden, according to two women who saw photos of the man, whom they took to be a love interest.



If only they were that thorough vetting the Dem candidate for president


Now guess which side is the “right to life” side?

so, uh, what happens if we run good on Nov 3 and Trump loses? I mean, there’s no way he makes a concession speech, is there? I think we’re drawing live to him screaming about mail-in ballot fraud or some bullshit and refusing to leave the White House. And I’m guessing because nobody ever thought that could actually happen that we don’t have any protocols to solve it. I guess you could call in the military or something, but then we have to hope that the military is going to get behind Joe Fucking Biden and toss Trump from the white house?

My prediction is Trump loses, refuses to concede, and flashes the DerpSignal and asks all his MAGAtards to come to the White House with their assault rifles to protect their favorite president.

I mean, what going to keep Trump from playing the “lol, fuck you” card if he loses the election?

I hope some reasonably smart people in DC have a contingency plan.

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He is such a coward.

Apparently friday night he was whisked away to his bunker. And while that imagine is fun to picture him cowering there, I am sure it is standard secret security procedure, I just think that him now asking to be taken there all the time to be safe is on the table.

He just yells racist crap and threatens and pushes violence on twitter. Guess he didn’t get the memo he is the president of everyone not just his fractured fan base.

I think there are probably some archives out there of some parts of twitter by third parties. How extensive they are who knows.

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So tricky since they are not in a state. It is quite the brilliant move!

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Oh he knows. He just doesn’t care.

I’ve wondered a lot about this and agree he’ll dispute the results even if its a landslide and will be very dangerous and not at all helpful in the transition. We’re talking about the period between November 3rd and January 20th, 2021. That’s quite a long time. Think of all that’s happened in that time frame recently. I think the best solution would be the 25th amendment. In other words, they’ve got to take him down. What have they got to lose? Around that time we may have a second wave of the pandemic and all matter of other issues. Pence would at least help in the transition. His cabinet would initiate it and Congress would have to verify it, and it would seem unlikely given their history, but desperate times call for desperate measures.