The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

They are very committed to the concept of “Othering” groups to make it easier to whip up hate against that group. It may seem stupid, but history suggests that it works.

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I said exactly this earlier in a Slack chat, it’s basically a collection of Facebook groups that mostly shows up at Richard Spencer talks.

Their excuse when it comes to white nationalist extremists is that the surveillance powers exercised to deter foreign hostilities would infringe on Americans’ rights if they were applied domestically. I’m sure we’ll find out it only applies to white conservatives.

“We suspect Antifa may be working with Muslim extremists.”

That’s all they need to do to.

It felt like an open field with no clear frontrunner and a likely presidency for whoever took down the nomination. If there was any year for someone to gamble and take a shot, this was it.

We should be doubtful of anyone who had the stature to run for president and didn’t try this year, unless they had a clear reason. Those politicians are probably not suitable for future presidential runs.

Why are Dems so bad at Othering the 1%?

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Of course. The history of the FBI is founded on spying on left and minority groups, often ‘illegally’, whilst needing to be forced to look at racist and right groups. I was mostly just pointing out the legal cover that already exists and can be used.

Curfew in LA city & several other jurisdictions in 21 minutes. LA County now asking for CA NG.
( twitter | raw text )

Nah, most have switched to PLO8 now

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He needs to quit using catch phrases. This just sounds like he’s promoting a tv show.

This is all happening right now on YOUR watch.



Now, along with the rona, I’m starting to worry about a situation where our president has publicly and repeatedly professed admiration for the Chinese government’s role in the Tiananmen square massacre, admiring how “strong” a move it was. And he was asked about it during the campaign and he said, “yeah that’s what I want to bring to our country, obama would never do that” and 60 million people voted for it.

Basically what I’m saying is: thanks awval


I assume the mask protesters will be out protesting curfews that infringe on their freedoms?

Wasn’t this guy supposed to bring law & order to America lol?

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One side protests against the government for trying to keep people alive, the other side protests because the government is trying to kill them. Equality.


Yep. On tv right now. And yes… I did post above in the wrong thread, My bad.