The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Wow, only took like 10 years for a mild repudiation from a service whose T&Cs he repeatedly shat all over. WE GOT HIM.


Lets see how Trump wiggles his way out of this one!


Why aren’t we seeing more pushback on the “mailed ballots = fraud” narrative? Or has there been and I’ve missed it?

Because here in WA, we’ve had all mail ballot elections since 2005, and it’s been totally fine. Even our Republican secretary of state (the fifth consecutive one) thinks it’s fine!

So if you could tell the president something about vote-by-mail, what would you tell him?

I would say, President Trump, right now and in this pandemic, we are having to consider every option to be able to keep the public safe and keep the voters safe, keep our election workers safe, and not have to make people choose between their personal safety and casting a ballot in one of the most historic elections of our lifetime. We have to come together in a bipartisan way to come up with those solutions so that every person who’s eligible can participate in the November election.

I mean, what is the legitimate argument here? (I know, there isn’t one and it doesn’t matter, but come on!)

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Are you a time traveler from 2014 by any chance?


I would like to see every question for Kayleigh MacNCheese at the next press briefing focus on the Joe Scarborough murder investigation, with reporters taking the accusation extremely seriously.

“Will the Justice Dept push for the death penalty if Scarborough is convicted in the upcoming trial? Followup: has the President identified the Deep State actors who coerced Mr. Klausutis into writing the letter to Jack Dorsey, and if so will they also be charged with capital crimes?”



Good question, I don’t think most people realize how much mail-in voting is already happening and has happened for years. I was surprised to learn that:

All states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one. In two-thirds of the states, any qualified voter may vote absentee without offering an excuse, and in one-third of the states, an excuse is required.

In my own (red) state, we have a “Permanent Early Voting List”. I get my ballot in the mail before every election, no special request needed, no excuse needed. This has been available since 2007, with no problems or objections afaik. I think I read that something like 75% of AZ voters use vote by mail.

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Rubio to the rescue!

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The legitimate argument, as in all cases with the conservative right, is that they think everybody would act like them if given the chance. Scott Adams sums it up:

If given the chance, if you (liberal) gave your friend (conservative) your ballot to drop off because he was going that way anyways, there’s a good chance he’d toss it in the trash. Hence, he believes that you’d do the same.

( twitter | raw text )

I was looking at Trump’s twitter to see if twitter was doing more fact checking, so far they are not.

But I did notice that Trump retweeted 7 consecutive tweets, yesterday, by this guy:

Trump’s retweet’s regularly compete with his original tweets for most insane.

It’s like a dose of super projection

Only conservatives can be dumb enough to say they’re being totally silenced on social media on social media.


Why are they even doing press briefings again? And why is this incompetent clod doing them? There’s no way she’s better than the one who just quit without ever doing a single one. No way in hell. She’s just god awful.

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“Our TROOPS, particularly those stationed overseas and at sea, primarily vote absentee/by mail. Will they not be allowed to vote this November?”

Not one of these dipshits has thought to ask this? Ask it and keep asking it every goddamned day!


I say reporters should just keep asking Trump to present one instance of significant mail-in voter fraud by a Democrat. Just keep pressing him on it. Then when he can’t answer, inform him that the only voter fraud in recent memory was small-scale and done by Republicans.


That is a bad question. They have already gone on record saying they believe mail-in votes should be allowed for the RIGHT people in the RIGHT circumstances. Just enough leg room for them to stroke out baseless accusations for anyone they don’t like.