The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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( twitter | raw text )

What is it with potatoes all of a sudden? Hmm, I haven’t seen keed in a while.


How does free speech work?

Private company controls what people say “Give me my free speech!”

President threatens to shut down companies for saying what they want “Perfectly fine!”


He doesn’t even acknowledge the ongoing death march anymore. His strategy is just to ignore it.

The whole “point out a tangential situation where you (think) you look better” strategy is so frustrating. You stand accused of murdering John Smith. Um actually no you’re totally wrong, utter fake news so ridiculous, the guy I killed was called Jon Smythe how could you spread such defamatory false information it’s despicable. Then the internet spends all day arguing whether it was smith or smythe and the whole murder aspect which you didn’t deny at all and in fact basically admitted to just fades away quietly.

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Yeah. It would be interesting to look back at the 2016 2+2 threads from election night or shortly thereafter. I remember some very negative expectations about what the next four years would bring. Fair to say Trump is exceeding all of them. And so many bad things can and likely will happen in just the next several months alone. The night of his 2016 election will have to go down as maybe the darkest in American history.


The darkest in American history so far.

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Would be great to see Twitter fact check that last tweet too. Then ban his whiny ass from their site.

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Yeah, I don’t understand how Twitter doesn’t flag every one of his tweets now.

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Just once I want to see one of these crybabies get the actual response they deserve. So-called liberals are enormous cowards.

When this bloated ball of filth thumbs out complete nonsense on twitter, not that many actual people see it. But like clockwork the “liberal” media picks it up, runs with a “Trump asserts” headline, and BOOM a complete and total lie is instantly legitimized.

Stop. Covering. The. Tweets. Cover only what he actually does.


God is getting in on the action


Because they are run by greedy assholes and know that being in trumps good graces is financially beneficial. Plus I’m sure some of them are his supporters

Because Jack Dorsey is making craploads of money off of Trump’s tweets.

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True, but Trump needs Twitter far more than Twitter needs Trump. Sure Dorsey would suffer short term, but without Twitter, Trump’s election odds take a big hit as without it, it’s much harder for his message to get amplified outside the Fox News sphere. (Yes, CNN, etc. run it, but not the unfiltered version that people get on Fox/Twitter).

It’s a question of whether other Twitter users care enough to force Dorsey’s hand to reign in Trump (to any degree). Dorsey clearly doesn’t want this fight, but I think right now the Scarborough stuff is forcing his hand a bit as he looks pretty callous in light of the widower’s letter. While Dorsey hasn’t called out that stuff, I don’t think it’s a a coincidence that he finally flagged some Trump tweets now, when there have been hundreds of tweets just as bad as those flagged.

We got him!!!


That warning’s gonna be making its way into a lot of CHUD avis and bios.



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