The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Some people earlier got a fake person trending on Twitter. The person had a name and an entire backstory as Trump’s assistant years ago, before she mysteriously died.

they are conclusively dumber than a box of rocks (truly stupid, really really dumb)

I kind of want to make my dad a twitter account and have him follow Trump and explain to him how it works. Just the absolute insanity and constantly whining is insane. Honestly I think only like 5% of actual Trump supporters follow Trumps twitter. Rest are bots, trolls, and random online idiots. But I don’t think any of his base follows it. They only see tweets when Fox News or w/e tells them about a tweet and explains what its supposed to mean for them. I wonder what would happen if he was plugged into the system.

Can’t be any worse than facebook right? Or is twitter way worse the conspiracies and craziness?

Feel like it could be an experiment. Not sure how much crazier he could actually get.


Just post them
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Absentee ballot fraud!

Needless to say a Republican.
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Corporations are people my friend, so they enjoy free speech to label your tweets as the shit they are
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I like the @realpresssec version of this one:


I accidentally read his tweets this morning and I am mega triggered.

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Are you outraged about all the crimes OBAMA committed?


I think he means unguarded, small potatoes.

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He is losing his shit over this.

Given how adept Republicans are at playing the victim, this might be his path to victory.

I’m told “People in group X are stupid” is unlikely to ever lead to a productive discussion.

At, least that’s what WN said when he closed my thread about how right wingers are dumb.

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I think his only path to victory is sane people not going out and vote and his twitter is not going to change that. Sadly there are too many Americans that don’t vote even when you have an insane person in charge,