The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Next up - conservative OUTRAGE that he would POLITICIZE his wife’s death to attack the President. SHAMEFUL TYPICAL LIBERAL DISGUSTING!!!

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Many of us have asked twitter to ban Trump because he violates their TOS every day. Instead of banning him they create a special clause just for him. They will not do anything, Dorsey is a coward. Twitter won’t enforce their own rules.

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Doesn’t matter if they ban him. He’ll post on the @POTUS account.

They can’t ban him there after all. It’s not his account. It’s POTUS’s account.

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Imagine how much more of this “rigged election” lunacy will be normalized over the next 5 months.

If Trump thinks he’s winning California he’s even more delusional than I thought.

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He clearly knows he’s going to lose. It’s why he keeps ringing the bell about rigging. Surprised he doesn’t ban elections until we find out what the hell is going on.

He’ll have to be taken out by force. Don’t think he has it in him to off himself like Hitler to avoid the shame of losing.


It’s slightly endearing that this guy thinks his heartfelt, sincere appeal will have any effect on Dorsey.

The endless “Trump Questions Integrity of Voting Process” headlines might finally lead me to make a healthy decision and tune out entirely.

Trump doesn’t “think” anything. He is just an irrational machine processing unhealthy emotions. His brain doesn’t “think”, “I will win an election in California.” His brain receives the information that he will not win an election in California and it generates a series of unhealthy emotional responses - “It’s someone else’s fault, it’s not true, it’s rigged.”


Not that I have any illusions about Utah ever going to Biden, but…

This recession is going to last longer than it has to, just like the 08 recession, solely because of the very existence of Republicans.



All of my Amazon packages worth hundreds just sit on my steps but people going to be robbing mailboxes for ballots. Mkay buddy.

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I agree ban all absentee and mail in ballots. Let’s start with TEH TROOPZ


Hey man - you brag about sexually assaulting women, you pay off a porn star to keep your extramarital affairs secret, you lock babies up in cages, well righteous Mormons don’t like it but they can still rally behind you if necessary to keep taxes low.

However, if you insult the good name of Sir Mittens Romney, then that’s just going too far!

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Yeah he’d still tweet from that account to be sure, but losing his main account and his tens of millions of (fake) followers would put him on perma lifetilt the likes of which we have never seen in any poker room. It would be worth the price of admission.