The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

If only there were some institution with the role of conducting research, amalgamating facts, and established a shared understanding of the facts even when the facts are inconvenient in the short term.


So, apparently Trump stopped taking Hydroxychloroquine. Or so he says. Most likely he was never on it.

I’d like to hear his “reasoning” on stopping now of all times.

I know it will be idiotic and that the idiocy won’t matter, but I will be amused.

I’m convinced Twitter should ban him and the media should completely stop covering the lies. “Trump claims” headlines are the height of irresponsibility. The media should simply cover what he actually does and nothing else. If his mouth is moving, he’s lying. So when you report what he says, or carry it live on TV, you’re legitimizing propaganda. It is astounding they’re walking into the same predictable traps after 4 fucking years of this madness.


Don’t think it’s an accident

I was having dinner with some people and a friend of mine who is some kind of communist and now an econ professor (still some kind of communist) kept referring to “human capital”. He meant it as a criticism of like modern industrial capitalism and all that. But, another person with us who was a friend of a different friend and didn’t know him or understand how he meant it got very upset and literally ran…literally ran out of the restaurant without saying anything.

I am reminded of the people who object to the term “wage slavery” because they think it is not sufficiently respectful of the horrors of slavery.


I believe the current term is FTE (Full Time Equivalent).

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this is terrifying

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I must have missed the memo on the new thread name. Can someone give me a quick explanation on the “You’ll have nobody guarding your potatoes” bit?

It’s just some shit his broken brain farted out


Thanks. I should have guessed it was something like that.


Yeah obv but seriously to answer your question


FML man, gotta vent, an old college friend of mine, gotta say we were basically best friends senior year, he moved away after that and we fell away from eachother, decided he would start jumping into my facebook timeline on all my political posts. I was pretty sure he was a trumper from stuff he posts, hes ex military, navy if i recall, he had left the navy before he went to school with me. Just jumps into one of mine not even referencing biden and asks how i feel about him, I say im not a fan but will gladly vote for him over trump. He says" what do you think about his declining coherence and I think his comments about blacks were over the line." lmao man my god, after some back and forth i find out of course that he has no reason to believe that trump is racist, asks for examples, i send him an article from the atlantic, he says he won’t read it because that publication supported hillary, goes on to say later that he doesn’t read any corporate media…and that he likes to wonder…thats what free thinkers do, its so depressing realizing you are surrounded by these people


Lol anyone who asks for examples of trump being a racist needs to be completely clowned for their bad faith bullshit before you even try to have examples. it’s may 2020 and you expect me to believe you’ve never heard this before? Gtfo


It’s a direct quote about the farmers in Virginia.

Won’t partake of any corporate media but will slobber all over random lunatics with 100 YouTube subscribers I am sure.

I am just going to start informing people they are unqualified to discuss politics due to their self imposed ignorance.

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oh shit I forgot the best part. After he said he wouldnt read the atlantic article, i told him we could just start with birtherism as an easy example. He literally replied “have you researched the ‘birther’ issue?” After which i basically begged him to tell me he wasn’t a birther and he replied “I’m just a man”, just kill me

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You should have told him that you were concerned about Biden’s mental decline and was worried he would slip down to Trump-level incoherence. This person sought you out and is trying to get a reaction. Your win condition is to do what he’s trying to do and get him to rage-quit the conversation.


The media cares more about appearing impartial than being truthful.

I hate FOX News but at least they don’t hide who they are like MSNBC and CNN do.