The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

This convo has gotten me thinking about college-educated, white male professional athletes.

For some reason I assume they skew right even accounting for income, but maybe I’m just thinking of all of the seemingly Deplorable golfers and football players out there.

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He just went to the Tulsa rally.

Dear god the replies

No shit Nancy

Nancy Pelosi suggests Russia has information on Donald Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has suggested Russia may have compromising information on the president. Pelosi said she found the lack of response from the Donald Trump over reports in the New York Times that Russia had offered bounties for Taliban-linked militants to kill US soldiers “appalling”.

“I don’t know what the Russians have on the president politically, personally or whatever it is, but he wants to ignore [reports of wrongdoing],” Pelosi told ABC’s This Week. When she was asked if she was saying the Russians have dirt on Trump, Pelosi replied: “How else would you explain his refusal to ignore, again and again, the intelligence that puts right at the Russian doorstep the involvement into our elections, for example?”

The president said on Sunday no one had told him about the reports . “Nobody briefed or told me, [vice president Mike] Pence, or chief of staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians,” Trump tweeted in part. “Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us…”

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when his aides have to contact him on a Sunday morning to suggest he might need to take down a retweet of someone yelling White Power.


Man I wish there was a way to bet on this. I’m honestly surprised the consensus here isn’t on my side. This could be a huge blind spot for me I guess.

To be clear, I don’t think it would be a massive difference but I don’t see how poker players don’t land slightly to the left of the population as a whole.

You think they end up right of the population?

The simple fact that they’re overwhelmingly male makes this fairly obvious to me that you’re wrong.

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That’s a fair point.

He was on a golf course with Linzie at the time

Lol one of them below:

Yes something isn’t right, in your head

And then this lol

Oh shit that’s you lol


He was on the golf course.

My pony was held up on the first tee.

This girl going viral. How many days before she is brought onto Fox or OANN and/or awarded the Presidential Medal of White Power?

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I probably spent about 10 min trying to figure out how to construct some sort of bet on this and then you guys have to ruin it by tapping on the glass.

Likely no harm done, I suppose. I doubt I could have come up with something mutually agreeable.


Seemed pretty obvious to me as well clovis. I think deplorables are so outspoken that people are duped into thinking they make up a much larger group than reality.

Source: Politics of Professions


He didn’t say pros. He said average poker player.

Holy shit you found actual data. That is a pretty cool site.


I don’t see the source of the data though.

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How is this not all red? What law enforcement am I missing that isn’t overwhelming republican? Like even though the FBI are all decently educated don’t they skew hard right?