The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

No real front between the two of them prior to that, ISIS was in between. Indeed there was also a river between them. Very very little fighting between the SDF and regime forces in general all over Syria at that point.

Seemed like there needed to have been a double cross involved basically, but that’s just pure speculation on my part.

(Bigger than usual disclaimer as this is all from memory.)

The river and ISIS couldn’t really stop us from bombing a bunch of Russian mercenaries.

This seems so wrong. I would bet a lot of money the average poker player is far left of the average American, as measured by population.

Like wookie said they can claim all that but the report has a lot of gravitas and support.

What most likely happened is when they changed Trump’s daily briefings to be primarily drawing based, they also cut out stuff that would upset/ trigger him. Anything about Russia was likely on the top of that list. So I assume trump never saw it because they omitted it to avoid a temper tantrum . Or they included it but like 95% of his daily briefing content he did not look at it. Either way it is lol Trump.

That is why grennell lashing out at lieu on twitter seems crazy. Grennell is an easy scape goat. Either he presented the Information or he did not. If the later trump is going to attack him and call him a liar, if the former well…

Doubt it very much. None of my friends are right-wing conservatives, but some are libertarian/libertarianish and others are left/leftish (from standard Dem to members of communist, socialist or anarchist organizations) and pretty much all the libertarian/libertarianish friends play poker (people I knew before poker) and I’m the only lefty who does/did.

I think the better comparisons are within similar age and education subgroups, and personally I don’t think generic “poker player” is a useful data point in guessing whether someone is a Deplorable or not without knowing their demographics.

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Narrator: He did not live until November.


“Deplorable” is not necessarily right, but just the nature of spending a lot of time gambling for money, especially if it’s more than just a tiny amount, is certainly somewhat libertarian and not very socialist. It’s not very churchy either, so that does leave out some of the conservatives - but we’re starting to need more than one dimension to classify people.

Indeed, but the story goes that they were at large across the river already needing a good bombing in the first place, and that’s the bit I didn’t get. This is just my opinion and that, I don’t claim any real insight.

This is obviously true. I’m just saying I would happily bet a decent amount that if data existed for a representative sample of poker players they would skew left of the population as a whole.

So you think the typical Twenty-something, graduated univ. to satisfy parents, now playing online poker for a living is more likely to skew right vs. left?

Most of the poker players that go to casinos around here are farmers who definitely love them some Trump.

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Well, you need more than two dimensions. They skew way more libertarian. Way more. Also, just the nature of what they are doing is the naked pursuit of money. They will definitely not skew leftist.

Now if you’re only talking culture wars? Yeah, they are likely to be fine with gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-drug legalization and not be members of the KKK.


I’ll assume you’re talking about a mess of non-college educated white people.:slight_smile:

I guess I still consider your typical capitalist-approving Progressive as “skewing left,” even though they’re not as far left as Socialists.

It’s just not the same thing. You can even be a pro-life, no-gay-marriage Socialist. Who is further left then?

I think its an age thing. All the young poker players in the casino were left and all the olds were mostly deplorables.

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Like you said, it depends a lot on demographics.
The hoodie wearing online whiz kid is not the demographic that I would define as “poker player.” If we’re limiting it to professionals, then maybe, but ime, this does not describe the typical group of people I find in casinos, cardrooms, or even most home games I go to, and I live in an East Coast Elite city. You start talking about the average player in Tunica or Oklahoma and I don’t think they’re more liberal than the average resident of their community let alone the “average American” (if for no other reason than the “average American” is more likely to be female and/ or a person of color than a random poker player).

Again though, left how? I bet the typical young poker player thinks the teachers unions suck and supports school choice/charter schools/etc.

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Just going off of my experience but my guess is they’d have little to no opinion of it because they rarely have kids so don’t care lol. Prior to joining this forum I personally would have never even thought of that as an issue and I’ve never heard it discussed in casinos.

Edit: Well the teacher union stuff, I’ve always been pro union. No idea what other poker players think. The few who talked about it were pro union because the dealers/workers were in a union and they liked the dealers and workers.