The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Have a good time at church, keep an eye out for Mike Pence and his merry band of covid-infected staffers and secret service agents! Say your prayers!
( twitter | raw text )

Jesus, 11 seconds in to the video The President just posted there is a guy yelling “white power.”


It’s pretty surprising that at this point Trump hasn’t used the n word when referring to protestors or proclaimed how whites are superior. He’s turning the racism up every day, so I guess it’s only a matter of time.


Trump to churchgoers: For a good time, call Mike Pence.

( twitter | raw text )



Isn’t that what AOC plus 3 are doing now? Green New Deal is bound to pass eventually.

sorry guys but i have to let you know that ted lieu has been CANCELLED. trump retweeted this an hour ago. its over.

Omfg how is this real. I mean Jesus Christ. He is literally tweeting people yelling white power and calling them great.

I mean I know I know “both sides” but fucking hell for fuck sake how the fuck is this fucking real!


What a way to start the day. God I hate this timeline so much.

How is this remotely shocking after the last 5 years?

The people saying we were boiling frogs were 100% right. The president tweeting out videos of his followers yelling white power won’t even be a scandal really at this point. Trump could literally be executing CNN reporters on the WH lawn and there would be both sides op eds in the NYT and 0% chance more than a couple Republicans would vote to remove him after being “deeply troubled”

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Oh so you don’t want white people to be powerful? Seems kinda racist of you.


It’s obviously not shocking in the surprise sense of the word but it is still very shocking in the indignation or offence sense.

I’m also looking forward to the inevitable defences of this tweet. CNN already had some scumbag on who instantly played the “I haven’t seen that tweet” card 30 seconds after they played it in the same segment.


Here we go again


Trump, the golf cart guy or both? :grin:

Guys… you need to chill out now because this is going to get worse before it gets better. Leave some energy in the tank… this thing is going to get WEIRD before it’s over.

Here’s how I’m interpreting what’s happening: The Dixiecrats have always been an anti science, highly religious, virulently racist, and strongly anti change. Over time they’ve resisted current trends or conflicting information to such an extent that they live in a different world than the rest of the planet.

Over time as they’ve drifted away from the rest of the planet they’ve become harder and harder to be on the same team as… to the point where the only people left are the truly soulless pretend libertarians (really just pro plutocracy) who would literally allow death camps for a small tax cut.

Now the tradition has been for these voters to be manipulated and controlled by professional politicians who live in a place that is much closer to reality… but that started to break down when a black guy got elected president. That was such a total shock to the world view of the typical Dixiecrat voter (who it had basically never occurred to that a black guy might be president someday… these people are their inferiors after all) that what trust they had in their political establishment atomized. Fox News held onto their credibility by leading the charge on the establishment.

Suddenly we have candidates plumbing the true maximums of Dixiecrat turnout by pandering right at them. These guys are impossible to beat in a GOP primary, dominated as it is by Dixiecrat core voters who in terms of census are all that’s really left, and soon enough they’ve got control of the party.

Donald Trump is a slightly below average Tea Party candidate who is now melting in front of our eyes like a wax sculpture in front of a flame thrower. This is a big historical moment in our nations political history… and obviously losing our minds with surprise that a guy we all knew was a white supremacist likes white supremacist content is meh.

I’m starting to think we’re watching the end of the Dixiecrats. I think Trump is going to keep escalating until he gets through to a lot of them on how fucking dumb this all is. Even if it kills them. And the ones who are with him to the end of the ride… they’ll never be truly excited about another candidate again as long as they live.


What you have to understand is that if an electoral path to power is closed off, terrorism and other forms of asymmetrical struggle can become the GTO political strategy. Defeating Trump may mark the beginning of the end of one phase of the culture war.

Yeah, it’s going to get worse. Always worse.

Remember, he started by calling Mexicans rapists, mocking disabled people and battling with a dead soldiers parents. This should not be remotely surprising. Your racist uncle has the launch codes.


Eh. This is an old political structure. These things usually end. The vast majority of political entities that have existed through history have been consigned to history books. The Dixiecrats (who are really just the descendants of the aristocratic southern planter class, it’s no accident that many GOP politicians ancestors owned slaves) had a long run. They were politically useful to the oligarchy while they kept their voters on a leash, but now that they’re off that leash they are a huge liability to basically everyone.

Also the biggest source of revenue that was pushing the Dixiecrats forward was the oil industry and they are definitely nearing the end of their respective run as people who run the world.

The reason everything seems so crazy right now is because it’s a real time of change and we all just lived through a long stupid meta where nothing ever got done for 30-40 years. That was fucking weirder than things getting weird when the country came out of the other end of that shit.

Trump + COVID are just the thing that caused the whole house of cards to collapse. It was always going to happen eventually. It’s like WW1… if you think that war happened because Franz Ferdinand got shot you’re an idiot. The whole thing was rigged to blow and literally any spark was going to start a massive chain reaction.

One the flip side if the Dixiecrats and Trump somehow prevail in November that’ll be the start of a new fascist meta and I’ll be 100% out lol. Any of you who are still in this country at the end of 2021 if he gets to stay in power are fucking idiots.

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Stop it. You are giving me an actual glimmer of hope. It is easier to expect the worst than go through a bunch of figurative 2020 Super Tuesday’s from now until I die.