The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

You could always invite them to the HNH containment thread :popcorn:


I’m liking this one better than “wow” and “oof” for sure. Still prefer a content-specific dunk if practical.

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I thought this dated back to the ancient days of Usenet, but apparently it’s only about ten years old.


International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum
Subforum: Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War


The acting Director of National Intelligence in early 2020 and the Congressman from Torrance, CA correspond. Grenell’s story is going to be the official one, not McEnany’s.

( twitter | raw text )

In the national park system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The park rangers who keep you safe from bears and forest fires and the United States Park Police major crimes unit which is made up and keeps you safe from Antifa. These are their stories.


Grenell seems like such a winner.

I hope Biden finds Ted Leiu a job more worth doing than dunking on dipshits like this guy.


Anybody who wears sunglasses in their profile pic is guaranteed to be a colossal douchebag.


So the Russians were trying to advance their national interests in the middle east through violence?

That is a really effective ad, it needs to be run a LOT this fall. That’s the type of ad that’s going to depress turnout on the right. It’s probably not going to win Biden any votes, but if it costs Trump even 1% of his votes, that’s huge.

Well that or if all of these calls to DO SOMETHING makes Donald fucking Trump do something.

No way donnie does anything big with Russia. He is still a puppet…


The French press is reporting it as revenge for the Russians killed in the airstrikes in SE Syria in 2018. All the reports about that made little sense so who knows, but I think the anonymous-intelligence-folk-who-write-NYT-articles position is that lots of Russians were killed there.

mmm, french press


No, not even close. You did good. I’ve felt like unstuckers need to step up and stop being afraid of offending people on FB. I see a lot of " I almost replied then deleted " bullshit on here. Call these people out, call them fucking morons and disgusting people. Fuck them. Why wouldn’t you? Do you still value your relationship with these people? Everyone on here says fuck civility with these monsters but doesn’t step up when the time comes. I’ve been going hard at people on FB and even went hard at my own sister when she was talking shit on the protesters and calling them thieves and violent assholes.

Good shit brother, more people need to do this. Let them know their are consequences for being disgusting pieces of trash. It won’t change their view but they deserve to hear it anyways. They post insane shit like this on facebook then they’re asking for it. Like if they aren’t posting dumb shit on facebook sure don’t message them and shit on them super hard for supporting Trump, but after they post insane shit anything is fair game. Didn’t wanna get attacked, don’t post your disgusting views you fucking snowflake.


Deleting your facebook is the right thing to do just because of what a shit company it is and its role in destroying our democracy. That said its the only way for people to stay connected to a large group of friends. If you can’t bring yourself to deleting facebook just unfriend these people, thats what I did with my sister. I told her shes still my sister but I find her views disgusting and I refuse to see anymore of it.


Tell him " If they did it why aren’t they in jail? There are only two possibilities. Either you’re an idiot who rountinely falls for propaganda by a bunch of people who purposefully make up propaganda for idiots they know are so dumb they will believe any lies, or Trump is an ineffective coward and even with full control of the department of justice he can’t even arrest people who spied on his campaign and did all the shit you claimed.

So either you’re a wholesale moron or Trump is an ineffective coward who can’t even stop b eing doing all that awful shit you listed. There is no third option so pick one.


Their donors who control them don’t want them to push single payer.

Guys, Putin is denying this extremely strongly. Also powerfully.