The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Some in fact believe that you calling them racist proves YOU are a racist.

I like the meme that there are time travelers trying to fix 2020 but keep messing it up worse. Sure the murder hornets disappeared but at what cost?


I think their biggest value is keeping the media on offense. Media elites LOVE the Lincoln Project turdmeisters that would otherwise be pressuring them to run daily headlines on Burisma or whatever.

The St Joe’s Hawk has to flap the whole game. 600 is a warm up.


“Oof” is my current go-to for this reason exactly.

Apparently I suck at using the quote function.

The winning condition is trolling him so hard that he rage-unfriends you. Bonus points if you can induce a fatal heart attack.

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Me too


This is what I would try very hard to do if the opportunity presented itself.

However, I don’t even facebook. I’ve got no blood relatives that are deplorable and I’ve got some distant ones through marriage that my wife has more or less cut off even pre-2016, so I never interact with them.

No friends that are Trumpkins either.

I’m living in a perfect bubble.

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his reply below: Owned i guess lol

So you’re ok with what they did, is that what you’re saying? That there was an awful lot of deflection, but that’s your specialty. I don’t care what your politics are, left or right, if you’re ok with what they did because, TDS, then you deserve four more years of Trump and I hope you get it, just so you and the rest of the leftist crazies will lose what’s left of your minds. Good luck and G’night.

All my life I’ve watched the Dems try to convince everyone that they too love the troops, and they always come across like awkward youth pastors trying to rap with the cool kids. Remember John Kerry and his REPORTING FOR DUTY campaign? The end result is a bipartisan normalization of military fetishism, football teams hosting Military Appreciation Days that are paid for by the Pentagon, and centrist Dem strategists trotting out candidates like Amy McGrath.

The kicker is that Republicans don’t actually care about The Troops! It was always performative tribalism from the start.


Tell him that you are not ok with what they did because you think they didn’t go far enough.


The thing the Dems will never, ever get is the value of starting with something they actually believe in, that polls poorly at the start, and pounding home their message to change the narrative and ultimately flip public opinion. If they had started collectively messaging on single payer during the Clinton years it would have passed under Obama.


If we’re going for the NBZ strategy, then I think the best line is to just take some short jabs with the ultimate goal of getting him to rage quit.

My first instinct would be something like. "I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Whatever “they did” is, the DOJ must be OK with it as there are no prosecutions against any of these people. If you’re saying that Barr is the problem, then I think you may be on to something. "

There might be better lines to take. I’m just thinking out loud.

( twitter | raw text )

Russians (and many others) have directly/indirectly financed the deaths of many American troops over the years, and vice versa, this is not a big deal in that sense. The only way this is a plausible step toward world war 3 is if the bad media coverage of this story induces a stroke in Florida Man and he collapses on the guy holding the nuclear football.

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What happened to your avatar?

It decided it wanted nothing more to do with me :(

yea this is about what i was gonna go with thanks.

NBZ’s suggestion is a good one too, but it has a lot more flexibility. We’ll have a lot of opportunities to play that one later.

“You’re literally too stupid to discuss this” has always been a personal favorite.