The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Also, for those of you still on FB, be sure to report all of the right wing fake news when you see it. Three dots at the top right>report or find support>false news/wrong voting info/hate speech etc.

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Man I gotta start reporting my mother’s posts for the lolz


lol, thanks guys, that was a long post but yea im not trying to reason with him there i don’t think, just make him out to be the moron he is.

Also this was in response to his response to my post on my aunts post, who is a liberal. So i was posting on hers, he posted this dumb shit, so I gave it a go. I unfriended him because i got tired of seeing the shit he posts.

edit: I’m curious to see what he says, but i’m betting on something about being uncivil or something wrong with me to say something like that to my uncle etc.

I remember when I figured out that I was smarter than my uncles. I was 4.


I was going to say exactly what cuse said.

Just keep hammering away. It’s a fine line between wasting time and posting just enough to show that they’re full of shit. I think you hit that target pretty well.

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Cutting them off is fine, but you’ve got to make sure you call them idiotic, racist, pieces of shit on the way out.


Absolutely. FB puts a warning on posts that have been fact checked. The real deplorable profiles will have half their posts blurred out with a link to the fact check. If that gets one person to realize that all the shit they see on social media is manipulative propaganda, it’ll be worth your 5 seconds to report.

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Fivethirtyeight has been pushing this one, been at the top of their page for a few days now. Imo, for good reason. It’s a nice piece that goes through the history of the Republican party’s relationship to race issues since the early 60s.

The recurring feature is Republicans facing a choice between diversifying their coalition or doubling down on the racism, and choosing the latter over and over and over for 60 years. The Clare Malone byline had me a little nervous, but she doesn’t equivocate here. The piece is explicit in calling them out.

Anyway, I don’t have any quotes or deep thoughts to share. Just wanted to recommend the article.

  1. Just play this video and tell him it’s absolutely impossible to support the troops and support this president simultaneously.
  2. Inform him many people are saying Putin is also paying tRUmp bounties for every American who dies of Covid.
  3. Watch his head explode.
  4. Profit.


I would maybe add just a little more, but it might be a foolish invitation:

“I’m familiar with the right-wing propaganda you’re parroting. Have you thought about this any more deeply than that, or shall we skip to me just telling you to shut the fuck up?”


Joking aside, the Russian bounty news is horrifying and very plausibly a step towards world war 3.


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They want you to call them racist.

What they hate is being mocked and dismissed.


Yeah, for sure do it in a mocking and dismissive way. That is the most effective way by far.

this is why the one-word “wow” response is so good. It does all three at the same time with brutal efficiency.

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I don’t know. Some of these assholes are so dumb that they might think that you’re awestruck by their brilliance.

I really think the best play is a well executed dunk that makes fun of how stupid they are while calling them a racist.


This but FFS make it small if not tiny, 1-4 lines. Paragraphs of ‘your an idiot’ gets you nowhere, no one will read them, it just gets you in the dirt with them.

And you can always resort to “when is Mexico paying for the wall?” if necessary

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Agree completely. I tried to make that clear in my earlier post.

Well executed dunks, by definition, are pithy.

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Where are these Lincoln Project ads going up? I’ve never seen one on tv.

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