The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform



Those people are all identifiable and likely will be identified by some asshole. A lot of them won’t get convicted but their lives will be Hell for a while. Keep the masks up while protesting, even if you’re not doing much and there’s no pandemic. And if you see somebody doing something particularly, um, problematic, turn off the recording device.

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From a couple days ago…

As they walked along the trail, they heard a low, rumbling buzz overhead. Moments later John felt a sharp pain in his chest. He had just become one of the first people to be stung by a giant hornet in North America.

“It was like being hit by a two-by-four,” he says. “It felt more like a bruised rib than a sting.”

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Chekov’s murder hornets

If I was a writer, I’d bring them in next year: someone found out that an enzyme or something only carried by the murder hornets is the secret ingredient in a covid vaccine


In an early March of 1933 kind of way.

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My uncle on FB: is my response below too harsh?

Right now, the polling in battleground states is 50/50 as to whether Biden will even be mentally and physically able to be President come election day. C’mon, just admit it. In addition, after the latest Strozk revelations, Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Strozk, Page, Clapper, Brennan, et al should be hung. Sure glad we had that “scandal free” Obama administration. There’s certainly no scandal in spying on the opposition party in an election, then trying to take down a duly elected president. The fuckers never thought they would be caught. It makes Susan Rice’s “by the book” inauguration day email to herself funnier and crazier every day that goes by. The sad thing is that ole Joe doesn’t know he’s lying when he said he wasn’t involved in the investigation of Flynn, because he’s too out of it to remember!

Edit: Dammit, I left out Mr. “Higher Loyalty” himself, Comey. What a piece of shit!

my response:

With all the hard evidence you got, why aren’t these people in jail? Trump just whines about it on twitter when he could be throwing these people in jail right? Seems kinda dumb of him. The polling for Trump is absurdly bad so good joke i guess? Even in your shitter state of Florida, filled with old white GOP’ers he’s down bigly in polling, gee i wonder if it has anything to do with him badly mishandling a virus that is about to rip through the state? hmmm, makes you think. 128K and counting. All the while this dumb motherfuckers masculinity is so fragile he can’t even wear a mask or ask others to do so. Imagine being so fucking dumb that you make fun of your election opponent for wearing something that keeps people from dying cuz thats what trump is doing. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you spend your day tweeting photos of people that took down statues so you can try to send them to jail for a decade, instead of making sure people aren’t dieing from covid. Imagine saying that 15 people have covid and pretty soon it’ll be down to 0. Imagine supporting someone that dumb, thats you Steve, you’re one dumb fuck.


How confident are you that they will enjoy Sixth Amendment rights and the writ of habeas corpus? I’d say I’m only about 70% confident, which is pretty insane and scary.

I would have deleted my facebook account and suspended interaction with that person until death, but I’m admittedly nearing 20 years of internet and family warfare. Seriously though, delete your facebook account.


Not too harsh. It’s time these people be called out.


he lives in Florida and is 70+, death might not be too far away

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I’ve distilled this down to “shut the fuck up”

Just as effective


Oh oh oh and they only secrete it while actually murdering your pet dogs! So time to choose between Fido and Grandma!

Eh, that’s not much of a cliffhanger I guess. Get fucked, Grandma. I feel like a real American now.


My only issue with that is that you spelled dying wrong. Other than that, good work!

Edit: Just in case, I’m trying to be funny, not a dick.

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I’m pretty sympathetic to this. I like the long screed too, but it’s a waste of time.

Plus, if you try and reason with them, it’s like they took Viagra. Just completely dismissing their garbage pisses them off so much.

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I have no idea what rights they will get? I’m on your team. @microbet made me feel a little bit better about not leaving since it’s just going to be my friends and neighbors rounded up and I don’t really like either of those groups all that much, but it does feel like go time.

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Your pony is dieing.

Idk what you’re referring to


Any response beyond “lol” is a waste of time.

But if you’re gonna go beyond that, might as well go scorched earth.

I don’t even read my mother Facebook’s page because of the toxic alt-right shit on there. At least one of my sisters has followed suit.

Someone posting that level of derp is long gone. Substantive responses validate their fantasy world. If you’re going to respond (don’t), just make fun of them.

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