The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

“In fact, the reason the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hasn’t made it mandatory is because they don’t want to embarrass the president, or insult the president, whatever it is,” she continued.

“And not wearing a mask himself as an example to the country? How cowardly is that?” she said. “It’s not about protecting yourself, it’s about protecting others.”


This get me every single time. A+++


Some may not be on board with this but whatever.

I have been trying to figure out how we establish a Scarlet T to identify trump supporters. No it is not necessary, as they have chosen to self identify.

Not wearing a mask in public is a huge tell that they are a Trump Supporter or someone who uses Joe Rogan as their life coach. Regardless we should shun and shame any of them.

Sure some Trump supporters wear masks, but just doing that puts them in the bottom percentile of trump supporters.

Just remember if you out and about and see someone with a mask they support Trump.

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Nah there’s plenty of people that hate Trump that refuse to wear masks. They think they don’t work, look like a pussy, etc.

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I am not on board with shaming people, as I see that as its own kind of brutality. In the words of Brene Brown, guilt is “I made a mistake.” Shame is “I am a mistake.” Teaching people to feel they are a mistake makes the very problems we are fighting against even worse.

But boundaries with Trump supporters may functionally look the exact same as what you’re describing. Shunning them is not the same as boundaries to prevent them from getting close to or entering a community they would gladly infect and kill.

Great. Fucking great.


Can you translate that to layman’s?

jman was correct


This reuters story broke almost a day ago and isn’t quite as scary.

WaPo and WSJ have both independently verified the bounty on US troops story.

watch this one, it could get big.


Dude can’t even get 10 percent of his most rabid true believers to watch an interview with him and is slamming the football. He probably got around 10 percent of his rabid fan base to watch the overhyped rally that also probably had about a million hate watchers.

highest ratings =/= good ratings

If I remember correctly, it was ‘muh freedoms’ that took them back. They were so mad the ACA was passed via reconciliation SO MAD. MUH FREEDOMS.

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If it gets big enough, what happens may rely upon GOP members having a healthy fear of what angry members of the military might do to them.

You lost another sub?

( twitter | raw text )

Impeachable! But this close to the election, we must let voters decide :elephant: