The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Obamacare is pretty popular. Even the Trumpkins in my family want it to be permanent. My really Trumpy BIL will bitch about that one time Obama said you can keep your doctor but that’s about it. Pretty sure those that claim they don’t like it is because Obama is credited.




I think 2018 was over 20 years ago so my memory may be spotty, but IIRC many Republican low info voters were 100% for the ACA and 100% against Obamacare.


Health Care polling is useless because people are god damned morons. Coverage for the individual elements of Obamacare poll at like 80%+, but roughly half say they want it repealed.


Also if the GOP really wanted to get rid of Obamacare, they had plenty of chances to do it considering they had the House, Senate and Presidency when Trump was elected.

…is how a proper 9-0 ruling defeating this latest stupid challenge would read if we didn’t have actual idiots like Alito, Thomas and Kavanaugh (at a minimum) on the court


Received diagnosis Friday, currently asymptomatic. Not clear whether he got it there, or after, or possibly earlier.

The Fake News media was intentionally spreading COVID at the rally to undermine Trump IYAM.


The whole legal challenge was complete bullshit to begin with and the court invited this nonsense with its initial ruling. In order to partially appease the political right, they ruled it constitutional under taxing power. But it’s also plainly constitutional under Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce. It shouldn’t have even reached the Supreme Court to begin with but we live in a god damned third world level piece of shit country.

Separately, this is why compromising, or even trying to compromise with, the American political right is so counterproductive. Go out of your way to appease them on policy, get called communists anyway, pass Mitt Romney’s health care plan, get called communists anyway, then because you didn’t just do the obvious fucking policy of single payer, open yourself up to bad faith “legal” challenges.


hey he invited pootin to the g7, probably to sit beside him and call people dedicated to protecting the US fos again.

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou.

American With Pre-Existing Conditions Who’s Not a Dumbass

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It depends on which one you’re talking about. King vs Burwell was actually a legit argument based on really poor wording of one part of the PPACA.

It was kind of like if gregorio signed the contract and then sued the counterparty to actually get paid per word, because that is what the contract said. That would make him a dick, but I don’t think that his argument would be technically incorrect.

Repeal and Replace™ was very popular on the right, and it got them some big electoral wins. The problem was that they tried to Repeal and Replace™ without having anything to replace it with. Enough people on the left were pissed enough about this to scuttle it and cause some blowback. Some on the right, even, perhaps. Trump’s betting that the right and those sweet, sweet “independents” have forgotten about that whole Repeal and Replace™ debacle and that as long as he promises them a sweet, sweet, Trumpy beautiful replacement sir yes sir, that they’ll rally around it.

Now do one for Obamacare.

Exactly, but how many of them are ready to Repeal and Replace™ again, because daddy promises to give them shiny new healthcare afterwards?

This is a huge part of it. He should run on renaming it Trumpcare and making it so that you can keep your doctor if you want to, then adding in a 10-year jail term for uttering the word “Obamacare” in public ever again, plus a $250 fine for calling it the “Affordable Care Act.” He’d score huge points on that proposal.

Even the liberals would be like, “Well, the 10-year jail sentence is kindy dictatorial, but if he expands access to doctors, we may have to meet in the middle to make the moderates happy!”


A deplorable relative took a dunk shot by trotting out, “Come on, we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it?”

I said go on. Give me the whole quote, not just the propaganda.

He does not discuss politics with me anymore.

I mean they tried. McCain blew it up for them. My memory from that time is only once a year were they allowed to pass Bill’s with only 50 votes and McCain dunked on them. Next year they went for tax cuts.

I have no doubt their corporate masters are pushing them hard to get rid of it and if they get control again they will try again

Not enough nostalgia for that moment. The GOP were already taking victory laps when McCain gave a giant fuck you.



Wtf hahahahahhahaha