The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Treason is a really hard charge to pursue (it’s so rarely done because it’s so difficult to prove) but I’d be down for that. Also…a capital offense.

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It’s really giving away the game that the GOP is going to give him a pass for doing absolutely nothing to stop or retaliate for Russians murdering

The military, the flag, the Bible, they’re all just props and they see people who believe in them as stupid rubes to be conned and used on the path to power and riches. We’ve all known this forever but it couldn’t be any clearer now.


The intelligence assessment regarding Russia’s actions in Afghanistan was delivered to the White House earlier this spring, and until recently had been known only to a handful of officials, a person familiar with it said. Its contents were reported earlier Friday by the New York Times.

Fox is at least acknowledging it happened, but they are conspicuously leaving Trump’s name out of it, much like they continue to refer to George Floyd’s death instead of murder.

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Made it through a few more chapters of the bolton book. The joke is definitely on me. The theme of the book is that John Bolton is the smartest and most well studied man on the earth, and Trump and him are just about to fix every problem in the world until (insert any administration official here) screws it up. The turd polishing that Bolton does for Trump is amazing. Bolton will go into excruciatingly boring detail about Syria and then he will describe a conversation he had with Trump about it and how Trump agreed with his complex solution. And I’m reading it and it’s pretty clear to me that he’s just saying Trump saw something on television and called to scream about it and nothing more but Trump is still treated like baby einstein in this book. Fuck me.



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Well just told a Trumper about the story. Their response was have you watched Charlie Wilsons war? We were doing the same thing to Russia. So they don’t give a shit about the troops either and will shrug this off.

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Writers have been pretty wild in 2020. Like what the hell was up with introducing murder hornets and then forgetting them immediately? But if this Russian bounty thing ends up with the pee tape being released then I’m really going to have to tip my cap to them.

Oh yes. Short of a Russian assassin killing someone in their household, they don’t care. The only thing that matters about this is there is some number of military folks and their families that are planning to vote enthusiastically for Trump in November because they love the idea of fascism, but maybe not fascism coupled with literally having a bounty on your head.

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None of them ever gave a fuck about the military, duh.

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This is one of those times where I will absolutely use my status as a veteran to speak out and show my rage. I am absolutely enraged right now. Every Trump-voting veteran that I know personally is hearing about this from me.

Also that fucker can’t even salute correctly

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There are a million+ active military members. A bunch of them are died in the wool Republican global War on Whatever enthusiasts, but having a President painting targets on them is conceivably across a line. As you and others have astutely pointed out many times, for Trumpkins the line is direct personal harm.