The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


I watched part of it. Not sure why. The writing is on the wall. They are 100% going to suppress voting as much as possible and outright cheat. If that doesn’t work they will then cry rigged election. They are going to start pushing harder and harder on mail
In ballots were rigged and whatever else they can come up with. I’m in the WAAF camp.



( twitter | raw text )

American workers, but the company is owned by an Italian company.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

He’s playing literally only to his base. That’s the strategy at this point and he’s all in on it.

It cannot work without riggage. The numbers don’t add up.

In fact it’s why we should expect riggage. He plays to his base and fires them up to maximum hate then claims his bullshit and off we go.


Not even that, he said he was going to visit three more!

Getting strong Hillary flashbacks with these good polls

Who is he talking to? Trump? Barr?

Maybe call on Trump to resign? He must go too.

Liking my Trump doesn’t make it to election day bet.

Figure I’d drop this here, it is a clever idea:

Looks like all the money gets donated to various other groups, the organizers don’t take any, but ask for tips. I didn’t dive deeply into the organizations they are giving to, but on the face it seems like it’s not a scam.

Yes. Those statewide wins in PA/MI/WI cannot be overstated. Also the Secretaries of State in AZ and NC are Democrats. Massively important

Seems like a simple A to B argument to me.

We are one Supreme Court vacancy away from Neil Gorsuch being the swing vote. And two of the justices were born in the 1930s.

Looking forward to Twitter suing these guys for abusing their platform for political purposes.

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Project Lincoln working really hard to make voters complacent for some damn fool reason.

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