The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I disagree that proposing policies would not help him. As we’ve seen the media is ready to pivot to “This is the moment Trump became President.” If he were to have given a mediocre speech about George Floyd and police reform and then proposed something slightly more palatable than the R-Senate bill, the media would have started fawning over him. If that bill somehow got passed, the media would fall over themselves to congratulate Trump for compromising in a time of crisis and getting a bi-partisan bill passed.

Luckily Trump is too stupid and only plays to his base. So to the extent that he only proposes policies that they support and have no chance of ever passing, then he is better to propose nothing.

It might not help him to propose policies that stray far from generic Democrat. He should probably stick to ideas that people believe Obama would have done.

They will try and maybe they’ll succeed in Georgia, maybe Florida. The other swing states are all under Democratic control aren’t they? Limited options there. They will also try to argue that mail-in ballots are all fradulent, but I don’t see how you get from there to actually ignoring the election. The DOJ is pretty corrupted but the Supreme Court are not so far gone that they’re signing off on a coup and when push comes to shove I’m very confident the US military aren’t, either.

I’m going to go on record right now that if Trump manages to burn down Mt Rushmore, I will unironically adopt the belief that this is a simulation.

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lol sc tx and ms, why would you tweet this


Trump is actually more like General Zod than I realized. Tell me you would be surprised if he invaded as a rogue Kryptonian and then said this to the first person to interview him.



There’s also the matter of severe voter suppression rendering the polls somewhat meaningless.

Barack Hussein Obama

( twitter | raw text )

LOL, he didn’t write that tweet.


Who wants to tell Trump this already happens multiple times a day?


New Fox News Poll out today, Biden leading by only one point, 45-44

In Texas

More Foxnews Polls today:

Biden 47 Trump 45: In Georgia;
Biden 47 Trump 45: In North Carolina;
Biden 49 Trump 40: Lol in Florida;




You were one of the last people I ever expected to be a sweet summer child. I guess you’re just basking in the sweet innocence of breathing in covidless oxygen. Or you have a 37-foot tall spider/snake/dragon creature coming at you and figure well, compared to this how much of a threat can Trump really be.


He is vibing a message that you shouldn’t have to think about the President every day, let alone once each waking hour.

There were weeks, maybe months, when I didn’t think about Obama.


I think this was literally one of Michael Bennett’s selling points in his POTUS run. Vote for me and you won’t have to think about me again for 4 years.


You’re not wrong. Pretty much everything in Australia is poisonous or trying to kill you. I was in Sydney seven or eight years ago. I can’t remember where I was exactly, but I’ll never forget the sign down a high-grassed path making clear how likely it was I’d die if I went into the grass.


Nobody watching this Trump Hannity Wisconsin Town Hall? I’m certainly not.

Somehow my email got added to the Trump MAGA re-election mailing list this month. They’ve sent out 8 emails today. The desperation must be growing. Especially when one lists Eric Trump as the sender with the subject line “You Can Do Better.” Really, Eric?

I’m watching it via the DDale/Rupar thread commentary and clips

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