The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I saw a Trump campaign tv commercial whose tagline was “He’s Just Getting Started”

I don’t know, but that message seems likely to do more harm than good for a deeply unpopular candidate. The majority of people seeing that message are just going to say, “Yeah, that’s what we’re afraid of!”


So like that’s where people go when they start to feel bad about racism? A reverse 12-step program. Follow these guidelines and we will remove all shame of your racism.

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“So some people got free furniture, and some people got bubonic plague.”

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I replied to wrong cuse post. It was supposed to be the lighter fluid post in Trump’s America thread. Damn it.

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Is Joe Biden actually running a good campaign? Because it seems like he’s running a good campaign. Very limited public exposure, staying on message when he talks, no major gaffes, letting Donnie Dumbass sink himself.


Yeah it seems like they’re legit just going for their base and completely given up on independents. It’s very odd. Might be because they plan to steal the election and just need his base to hold firm to support the coup.

Like their entire strategy so far has been red meat for the base that is getting 100% turnout regardless. It’s odd and worrying.

He’s doing the smart thing by laying low and watching Trump fall apart.

Last thing he wants to do is remind people that he exists.

Yeah he has been doing all the right things so far. He definitely has quality handlers. I assume pretty much all the best campaign people moved to his camp after he locked up the nom.

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Why did this make me giggle, JT?

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The newest episode of Patriot Act framed it perfectly. He doesn’t have a signature policy… his entire campaign is built around beating Trump. All he as to do is watch Trump implode. He’s centrist enough that he’ll by default get a bunch of votes for just being not Trump or because people hate Trump.

( twitter | raw text )

I wouldn’t say that he’s running a good campaign. It’s more like he’s luckboxed into a strategy that works well against Trump in 2020. It might not do as well against another candidate or against the non-incumbent 2016 version of Trump.

The poker analogy is that Biden may be the calling station who is a loser in most games, but finds himself against the undisciplined LAG who won’t stop bluffing.


The amazing thing is that this is an easier layup than Hillary blew. Trump is just as obviously stupid and unqualified, PLUS he’s got four years of awful track record to defend as well.

Can’t wait to see how the eDems screw this up but they’ll find a way.


Yes, but also when he has surfaced he has managed to say things that are reasonable and not appear to be suffering from dementia. If he can manage to drink with one hand he’s got a shot.


The other thing he probably realized is that he gains nothing by proposing policies. The biggest uniter among Democrats is fuck Trump. Pretty much every other issue divides people and risks alienating people who would otherwise vote for you.

Essentially, Trump does most of Joe’s job for him. All Joe has to do is periodically pop up, make some anti-Trump comment, and go away.

Yup. And my dream is for Biden at the debates to deliver barbs hotter than Stranger Things.

JoeBiden lambasts President Trump: “He’s like a child who can’t believe this has happened to him. All his whining and self-pity. Well this pandemic didn’t happen to him. It happened to all of us. And his job isn’t to whine about it, his job is to do something about it.”


LOL Fox has him losing Texas. Trump is gonna flip when he sees that.