The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

They’re not the only ones

The US will have a brighter future when James Carville doesn’t get to broadcast his views to the masses. He is so awful.


Tucker looks like he has boarded the tanning spray train.

It’s funny because the lobstermen (who admittedly do like Trump) are all on the coast, which is very liberal overall and that vote will go to Biden. The more competitive region is inland potato farmers.

Source: am from Maine.

Inland Maine is the deep south of New England.

Source: am from Massachusetts.

Give him a break he hasn’t been the same since he lost the precious


Remember that for the past 4 years all the pundits, law bros, strategists, etc. have been wrong about absolutely everything. Literally everything.

You know who was right? Newt Gingrich.


The mark of Trump :astonished::astonished::astonished:

Couldn’t the Russians hack voting machines so if you vote for the orange idiot, you get blasted with spray tan? And you shall know them by the color of their fake tan

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I see James Carville is teaming up with the Project Lincoln bros to form some kind of grifter consultant Voltron.


Because Trump is obsessed with them.




Couple years ago I had to stop reading “REALCLEARPOLITICS” after I realized it had me reading every Newt Gingrich op-ed. I would totally start reading a website called because I’m that big of a sucker.

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Most polls had Trump winning in 2016 around 30% of the time. You know it’s not “wrong” when a 30% event occurs.

That’s about a flush plus OESD heading to the river vs a set so a couple of the flush cards are dirty?

The mark of the lobster.


Trump is going to have a nervous breakdown and perhaps straight up quit if the poll numbers don’t start getting better.

I can’t imagine him quitting because he doesn’t want to look like a massive loser. I actually have a feeling that he’s accepted that he could lose the election and after bitching about it for a while, will be fine with leaving the White House come January so he can get back to his life.

It would be an incredible sight if he quit, though. Even if I didn’t hate him, I’d love to see it just for the spectacle.

He’s never quitting. It would make him look weak.

If he could quit without looking weak, he would have done so years ago. He clearly hates actually being president.

Does Biden beat Pence if Trump bails out? Not sure I like that matchup.

I think it would be like “I am dumping her, she’s not dumping me”. Hard to see him going through the motions that normal politicians would if he knows he is going to lose. He looks completely dejected in the Hannity clips.