The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

You don’t even need to do the bolded part, just reserve the arena then tell them to kiss your ass when they try to collect the money.



If people can spend a bunch of time outside in fresh air they can spend a bunch of time lined up near each other inside, checks out.

Lol this shit. The requisite sacrifice has been at the both sides altar. “Trump’s not the only candidate who has ignored bills from local municipalities for costs incurred on the campaign trail. According to an invoice from the Burlington Police Department, President Barack Obama owed a few thousand dollars for a visit to Vermont in 2012.”

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She’s a hero.

Is there evidence of this? I only made a cursory glance through Google but wasn’t able to find anything.

lol preet

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

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He thinks Oklahoma! always has an exclamation mark doesn’t he



Meh, seems pretty standard. Kicking people out of events seems pretty normal even if they’re held in a public venue, otherwise you’re just inviting crashers to any event generally open to the public.

Do they get to choose which judge signs the warrant? I feel like even most of the really bad judges wouldn’t go for a completely made up warrant to rig the election

This sounds like a “gazebo permit” issue. At 1:08. (I cant figure out how to post a YouTube at certain timestamp. I think Zikzak either showed me how to or that it couldn’t be done.)


Like this mother fucker has ever used the word whom correctly.

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Just append the link with &start=x where x is the number of seconds you want it to start at. You can also do an end time with &start=x&end=y

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In the First Amendment case law there’s a fine slicing exactly how free expression is allowed.

I’d guess that even though Trump’s campaign would seem to be a government event, it probably technically falls into a private entity holding an event that’s generally in the public and as such is just like the “we have the right to refuse service to anyone” sign, where they can kick you out for any reason that’s not one of the public accommodation exceptions like race, gender, etc.

So it goes

Lady comes in

Trump campaign guy says she needs to leave and alerts the police. I don’t think it makes too much of a difference if it’s event security or the cops, that just seems like an extra layer. If the event security couldn’t remove a person, they’d just call the cops to do it anyways. I don’t think there’s any rule that event security has to try first.

Just like when the cops are called to a Wendy’s the cops tell the lady she’s not allowed on the property

She doesn’t leave

The cops then arrest and remove her

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This shit again?

Whom among us haven’t used that word incorrectly?