The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

House Democrats should pass a bill to replace all the steps leading up to the Capitol Building with ramps. It would keep this in the news for a couple cycles, trigger the fuck out of Trump, and draw some extra attention to the fact that our president is an old man in physical and mental decline. They’d be able to fund raise off of it, too.

In order to promote this bill, they should cut some videos for social media of members walking, jogging, running and dancing up and down ramps, while double fisting glasses of water. I’m picturing like AOC moonwalking on a ramp, pumping her arms back and forth taking swigs of water.


Thread title request change to The presidency of Donald Trump: Donald and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Rally.

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This is crazy. This man is not well.

When reading it, I thought: this is really bad satire. Where is the transcript? Turned out to be the transcript.


I assume you’re mostly joking, but I think that you can go too far with this. The last thing you want is a bunch of boomers thinking that you’re making fun of Trump for being old and voting for him because they feel you’re picking on him.

There is not much realistic chance of this happening, but I think it’s possible if the strategy is taken to the extreme. Stuff like the Lieu video is well within the boundaries. And a good bit more can be done before this is a concern.

LOL. How could this possibly matter just like Nadler himself.

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Trump is getting mocked so much this past week that I suspect he’s about ready to explode.



The best most melted face genes.

I am torn on this and am both sidesimg it. I agree with you that it should be automatic and fast. However I also agree that it would make no difference to the Senate.

I think the timing would be used to beat up Democrats. It is silly that trump is president. Checks and Balances by our founding fathers is total nonsense.

Biden’s campaign needs to cut a video of him exercising by running up and down various ramps. As he finishes the course and the sweat beads above his head band he picks up a delicious glass of water and drinks it down.


The funny thing about the transcript is it is immune to charges of fake news or liberal spin. It is what it is, and oh boy it is.

I think the written transcript comes across more insane than the video at some points.

I doubt he could do this though. They should get Hunter.

I bet he could do it well enough to embarrass trump.

The Lincoln project already cut an ad showing Biden at the West Point graduation in 2016 jogging up the ramp.


So does anyone think that Trump probably has already had COVID (maybe a mild case) and that’’s why he DGAF about going to rallies now? Probably that week he was taking hydroxychloroquine.

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i think it’s a high possibility he’s already had it. his doctor’s notes have been consistently faked since the campaign

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The transcript is always crazier, because we have all internalized our involuntary translations of the babbling. Like he will often when struggling to speak just point at the media and everyone will boo, giving himself a moment to regroup, after which he usually restarts on a marginally related topic.


Yeah this actually makes sense.

100 million requests for tickets!

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