The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

If my original post was unclear - I’m not over here reading Fox or Breitbart articles. I’m just pointing out that, given my efforts to stay educated over the years, I know that these organizations are trash. Dvaut’s perspective on “not getting a pulse on the opposition” has stuck with me.

If you frequent this thread, you are constantly exposed to the content to this adminstration. Did you watch any of the rally last night? Do you tune into any of the McEnany press conferences? Do you ever read the Trump bot? CV19 press conferences? Do you ever read news articles with quotes from this admin?

If your point is that you’ve avoided any of the intellectual rot from this adminstration by avoiding primary sources then my guess is you are in the company of few.

I can appreciate that some ITT have a strong stance against FB. I use it for a local community group which is good for rentals/housing/updates, that is about it. I’m not out there scrolling through baby pics and trolling for deplorable posts all day.

Does anyone here live in Nadler’s district?

Other than the last one and sometimes subjecting myself to the trump bot I do none of this stuff and spend way too much time here. No way could I hatewatch a rally or McEnany but I def appreciate those who fall on the sword for us and do it. I can’t be that unusual I wouldn’t think?

The president wants his rally to be a safe space.

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I had to scroll back up to realize you weren’t making a very serious accusation against marksman :grinning:


Hi nunnehi.


Hi, do you live in his district?

No, they don’t use the microwave. They pour it into their electric kettle.


No, I don’t. Just saying hi.


(this was from the event in Iowa I attended for Pete)

I have no insight into how Trump’s campaign does rally builds, but my experience was this:
On 2/24 I found out from our state director that Pete was coming to San Diego on Mar 2. We immediately posted it online and everywhere so people could sign up on the event planning platform used by democrats, called Mobilize. This is connected to ngpVAN, which is the voter and volunteer database used by most campaigns across the country and also used to created canvassing and phone bank lists.

A new list of attendees was created in VAN, and people signing up were added to this list. On Feb 29th, I made a new text bank list consisting of the over 5000 people who had already signed up (yes, 5000 in 5 days) and my volunteers sent out those 5000 texts to confirm attendance and provide additional information. Of course, on March 1 we had to send a new round of texts telling people it had been cancelled but we won’t talk about that.

The point is, it’s not hard to verify that your attendees are real and that they will be coming. Of course you’ll have some number of no-shows, but if you’re doing it right, you should have a list of names, phone numbers and confirmations of attendance.

Parscale and the Trump campaign failed big time.

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I love to cook and I especially love breakfast foods, including all forms of eggs.

Have I ever cooked an egg in the microwave ? Yes Long ago before I started cooking. Had one of those microwaveable egg poacher dishes. But just thinking about it makes me cringe.

I use the microwave for very little these days. Frozen steam vegetable pouches on occasion and reheating leftovers.

Even for premade frozen foods that you have an option between microwave or oven I always opt for oven. There are a few things that don’t have a huge difference but I am always using the oven or stove.

My brother just gifted me an instant pot (electric pressure cooker) so I am going to see if I can cook eggs In there.

Back on point, once you learn how to cook eggs if takes relatively little effort for a vastly superior result.



They don’t get tickets. They make reservations so that the campaign can plan for an appropriate number of people.

What this is what happened:


sound on


Yeah this kind of childish shit is actually how you destroy Trump. He’s really bothered by it because it’s the level he’s operating on. This rally, that ramp, the water… making fun of him on this level works weirdly.

Great ad by Ted Lieu. Seriously great. When this works as well for him as it’s going to every Democratic candidate there is will be attacking on this stupid level. I’m not happy this is what’s necessary, but I’m overjoyed that Democrats might just might do what it takes to win even if it’s a little demeaning to get down in the muck like this to beat a clown.


It should be so matter of fact they should just hold one hearing, impeach him, and send it over to the Senate. Instead they’re going to do some sort of investigation in Judiciary, it appears, (at least Pelosi made a mention of one)… then nothing.

Also, all they have to do to avoid the bad look of holding an investigation while the economy is in shambles during a crisis, is pass a bill to give every American $2,000 of stimulus every day and let the Senate keep refusing to act. That should shift the bad look over to the other side pretty quickly.


Ted’s troll game is prettay, prettay good.