The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Yeah. “Looks like”

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Yup. It also needs to be kept in mind that not everybody in the EC needs to follow the popular vote when making their own vote. Faithless electors can definitely tilt an election. Eighteen states do not have laws banning them. No question some of them could cast their vote against the will of the people of their state. I mean it technically wouldn’t even be cheating if that happened.


Dude has absolutely no understanding of the Streisand effect at all. Getting tested about ramp walking and drinking from a glass? Spend 40 minutes at a rally explaining about how those things actually make you awesome. “I SALUTED 600 TIMES! QHO COULD EXPECT TO LIFT A GLASS AFTER THAT!”

We will likely have to wait for Wednesday to get Alex Jones’ take through the Knowledge Fight podcast, but I’m curious to hear what the derpiest of all derpers has to say


Just would add that Nader has a progressive voting record, much better than Schiff or Lieu.

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Do people still use surfing as a verb for navigating the internet?

Us olds do. :grin:

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I think we need to keep in mind that the United States President tried very hard to squash one million non mask wearing citizens together during a deadly pandemic.

As usual our only saving grace is he, more often than not, is a failure.

Let me ask a follow up.

Is it common for brits to use the microwave to cook eggs?

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Guy who expected 800k people to show up to this rally complaining that leftists don’t know how rallies work. Wow.


I’m not going to say it never happens, but I think you’d be considered a dangerous idiot.

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It’s more common nowadays for scrambled eggs, alough they taste horrible with a plastic feeling, it just feels very fake.

Fluffy scrambled eggs are the best, with a little juice left in, with toast. :ok_hand:

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How much collective brainpower has been squandered these past 4 years on parsing through this administrations’ lies and criminal actions? What is the lasting impact of that to society?

Great, I can say that I’m on the “right side of history”. I can look at Fox News and Brietbart and discern that they are propaganda. I can scroll through my Facebook feed and easily identify the 40% of the country that is brainwashed.

The cost, in weekly hours, of staying vigilant with the state of the world is steep. This forum of course helps massively by collectively parsing through the information overload.

But my brain is now conditioned to exposure to bad faith, low intelligence, post factual content. Even reading Parscale’s comments above. Haha, he’s a fucking idiot. Great. Just wasted another 3 minutes of my time I’ll never get back. What would I have spent all of this time on if Trump had never existed. Would I be consuming content at a 3rd grade reading level, or doing something else with my time?


lmao don’t read their words, ever. Read someone else’s summary, if you have to at all.

Don’t read Fox News and Brietbart for any reason much less “to get the pulse of the opposition”. GMAFB.

And for fucks sake:


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The whole K-pop fans buying up tickets so the arena would be half-empty thing doesn’t make sense. The event was supposedly first-come, first-served, so nobody was blocked from getting a ticket.

The one thing it did do was make Pascale/Trump look stupid for boasting about the demand and it may have gotten them to setup that outdoor area (they might have done that, anyway).

Some people might not have come if they thought 100,000 people were going to be there, either because they didn’t want to deal with that huge of a crowd in a pandemic or because they figured their personal support was less important.

It is possible that some people didn’t come because they thought there would be A LOT of people there but yeah I don’t think it did too much.