The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Sure why not. Basically any unexamined assumption about the reason for his actions that feeds a preexisting narrative is potentially an attribution bias. One would need to examine the entirety of his actions and cognitive responses to have a well thought out idea of what is actually true. I will say in defense @clovis8 that looking at short clips out of context is more likely to be misleading than watching him provide, say, a 10 minute speech in full.

I am curious. With all these racist symbols being axed, the old racist owner of the Minnesota Twins had his stature torn down too, there is little chance any monuments to Donald Trump exist long term.

That is something that adds a little brightness to my day. There will never be a navy ship named after trump, or many schools, statues etc etc. and the idea that anyone would build a library for a guy who can’t read is crazy.

As for the SEC, a huge part of their fan base are racist red necks, so I am going to give them credit here.


I am hopeful too, but I think there are some pretty bad outcomes possible where there are lots of Trump statues and lots of prematurely dead people.

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Maybe Donald Trump is the president we both deserved and needed to move forward.

We needed an insane pos racist to be president again just so we could wake up and move ahead.


I made it through 28 seconds of that Melania video.

Y’all are forgetting an important factor here: Trump’s monstrous gut. If he assumed something resembling proper push-up form (back and legs straight), his arms would probably be around 3/4 of the way extended because his belly would prevent him from going any lower. Huge advantage.


I just remember what happened to Uday and Qusay.

I appreciate Don Jr. and Eric should acquire similar fates, allegedly.

Pointing out Biden’s cognitive decline is now a vote for Trump too? Goodness there’s no way he’s going to lose.


I’m a big fan of the old bayonet up the arse ghadaffi style death for these people.

Lol at people.

For bonus points ask them to sing the theme song.

It’s always a thrill when this thread pops off and then you realize there’s no big news and it’s just a Clovis or Keed derail. Today we even got both at the same time.


Biden should agree on only 1 debate,

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Is anyone else sick to death of this man’s crap? I’m considering bringing him up in the Moderation Discussion thread.


If only someone had actually made that claim itt you would have a really good point.

Come and knock on my door …

Its weird the things that get permanently imprinted on your brain if you watch them as a kid. I can’t imagine how fucked up the brains of kids born after 2000 are going to be growing up with the internet. My brain was apparently permanently damaged by TV but I wasn’t watching TV constantly.

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Sure. I mean I’ve watched a lot of Biden debates and speeches over the years. I’m sure more than Clovis. His decline in just the last four years is surprising and pretty stark and I don’t care what you call it, just don’t gaslight me by telling me well actually it’s just Biden’s stutter you bigot.


Lol I was actually able to go through the entire song, then hang my head in shame.

Although tv themes are not what they used to be.

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Ugh. Let’s all be careful about letting our frustration re: Biden’s candidacy color our ability to empathize with or understand stutters. Some thoughts:

  1. A stutter does not just mean you get stuck on sounds for a few seconds. It’s not uncommon for physiological airflow restriction to block sound production to a point where a compensatory strategy (e.g., changing the direction or wording of your speech) becomes necessary. I can’t guarantee that Keed’s examples are definitely the result of a stutter, but they definitely could be.

  2. Stutters are frequently exacerbated by stress and pressure. This is inarguable.

  3. Biden obviously isn’t his 40-year-old self, but nobody will be at his age. I haven’t done an evaluation of the dude, but recent interviews (e.g., ",*) don’t clearly scream “this is dementia!” The dude is 77 with a stutter and constant scrutiny. Expecting perfection isn’t realistic.

  4. It is absolutely worthwhile to discuss whether Biden’s speech is the result of a stutter or dementia. Dementia would impact his ability to do his job. A stutter (by itself) fundamentally does not, except for ableists who will value him less solely as a result of dysfluency.

  5. A president with a stutter would be an incredible inspiration to the speech-impaired.

*I chose these randomly based on recency. I’m sure he has both better and worse interviews out there.


Sounds like he ought to be enjoying his retirement instead of running for the most stressful job on the planet.

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