The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

That’s fair. I can see that as the mayor’s intention. I don’t see that happening, though. I hear people experiencing a moment similar to what you posted recently about how being in a cell gave you a moment of moral clarity. There’s room for nuance here, but the deplorables are making this as clear cut as they can.

Unfortunately, I think deplorables and their defense of racism feels just as clear cut to them. I worry Matty is correct and the conflict could be pretty bad. Visibility will only be heightened.

People bitching about Biden are Bernie Bros that secretly support Trump. No surprise Keeed fits into this category.

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It’s snowing heavily in that thread.



So people in line are exempt from the curfew?


…is that a good thing? I am nervous about looking at the comments.



This is obviously true. He is insanely old. Too old to be be running if I made the rules. Nonetheless this line that he is some dementia riddled insane person incapable of forming a coherent sentence is just not factual. It’s people who want to hate him.


Keeeeed absolutely cannot WAIT to slam that lever for Trump. He can almost taste it lol


…let’s see how many likes this gets before some brave soul taps @bestof :crossed_fingers:


I agree, but rambling stumbling mumbling Joe is still orders of magnitude more coherent than ALL CAPS DRINK BLEACH MAN.

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You should stop calling this projection. Projection has a different meaning.


Fair but I can’t think of a better word when someone attributes characteristics to another person they don’t have out of self interest.

I could be wrong here, small sample size, etc, but I’ve seen a lot of examples of Biden seeming much more clear and coherent in the morning, and much less coherent and clear at night.

I watched a minute or so, he sounds much better here… But he’s also reading off of a prompter.

I will say that he’s the nominee and this is the most important election in (channeling Obama) like 160 years, and it’s probably not productive for us to spend a lot of time arguing about this. Here in our little world it’s fine, but Clovis’s approach of “It’s a stutter, you’re a bigot!” is probably the most effective heading towards the election, with a quick pivot to, “Have you listened to Trump talk, you jackass?”


Nah I’m probably voting for the other Biden. For sure not trump or joe though.

I think it’s a type of attribution bias. They’re attributing explanations to Bidens behaviour that serve their personal psychological needs.

@clovis8 Did you watch the Democratic primary debates? Compare those to Biden v. Ryan. He’s clearly declined since then. Now, I guess you could argue there’s a big difference between 1 on 1, sitting down in a more relaxed setting… But you could also flip it back around and say Biden debating 17 people early in a primary is quite a bit less stressful than going head to head with viewership much higher in the lone VP debate leading up to the general election.

I also don’t think it’s bigoted to factor in speaking ability and cognitive ability/cognitive decline in evaluating presidential candidates. To take it to an extreme, am I a bigot if I think someone with intellectual disability (a sub-70 IQ) should not be the nominee of the Democratic Party under any circumstances?

Obviously I’m not saying Biden has a sub-70 IQ, I’m just making the point that in discussing candidates for the highest office in the land, considering their intellectual abilities is part of the qualification process, not discrimination.

Like attributing Biden mixing up his wife and sister to his stutter?


Biden has a ton of interviews and the like that went as well as you’d hope from any candidate, but his gaffes are unfortunately easy to spin as (and sometimes actually are lol) legendary and end up sucking up all of air the room.

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I agree with all of this,

He has declined.

He is old as hell, too old.

He has a stutter.

He is no Obama level speaker.

He is a million times better speaker than Trump.

He is not nearly as bad a speaker as many of his haters like to pretend.

Many of the people who get so much joy mocking his speaking ability hate him so irrationally much they are simply lying and being disingenuous.