The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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I think it’s the opposite. They know how to use the internet as a tool. Remember when the Parkland kids ran laps around the NRA and continuously dunked on Dana Loesch? Then you have “OK, Boomer.”, not using Facebook, organizing rallies and protests. They will do just fine.


He didn’t vote for the Iraq War he just stuttered.



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Literally all tabbaker posts is straw men.

I think it’ll be a mixed bag. Some people will exploit the power of the internet (for good and for bad) but I also think others will just have their brains completely rewired in the development stage with some pretty big downsides. This is just a hunch, it is likely wrong and certainly biased, but an example is that attention spans on average seem way lower than prior generations.



Not a strawman just a prediction of future events. Dems will go so low as to use a condition people actually suffer from to explain away their terrible candidate choice. It’s quite sickening really but they go a step further and call you a Trump supporter for pointing out how stupid they sound.


I feel like thats a pretty solid ad


I think the nut low for our brains might have been skipping channels every 3 seconds watching cable TV. I feel like every kid with cable in my generation has ADHD.

You could absolutely tell a difference in college in the kids who grew up with our without cable. With cable: can multi-task, scatter-brained. Without cable: can only focus on one thing at a time.


Attention and recall are definitely experiencing the Google effect. But there are pros and cons. We have limits on our cognitive capacities and how much information we can hold in our consciousness while also engaging in deliberate analysis. Being able to relinquish a degree of focus and recall to online resources enables us to devote that instead to processing vast quantities of information.

But there are, as you can imagine, huge downsides to that. I’m arguing for the upsides because the box has already been opened. We will evolve in tandem with the effects of the internet in the same way we evolved once the written word become the dominant mechanism to store knowledge.

Once upon a time, orators would have essentially memorized and recited entire books. Who would do that now? When the paradigm first shifted, people felt the same way then as we do about the internet now. And yet I challenge you to find more than a handful of people who would say it’s more important to remember every word of a text vs having that written text in front of you so you can devote more resources to understanding that text.


But Biden has really dealt with stuttering his entire life. Regardless of what one believes about a gaffe or a decline from four years ago or whatever, implying that he doesn’t is quite dishonest.


Great post. The challenge I have with that is that in 2020 I am not seeing people devoting more resources to understanding texts, they’re demanding tiny chunks of media that can be quickly proceeded so they can move on to the next one.


So this. It is disgusting.

I agree. My balm against the anxiety that gives me is seeing this as the growing pains from any shift in a cognitive paradigm. We will be okay.

I laugh at all of the Idiocracy jokes, but I don’t really buy into them. There have always been a ton of morons in the world. Now there’s just a lot more of us, and the internet makes it easy to see morons in all our glory.


You’re disgusting

Why do we need to talk about this at all? The reason why Biden can’t speak intelligently is not at all important. He’s running for President, so he shouldn’t be afforded the same latitude as a normal person not running for the highest office in the world.

I agree it would be mean and uncharitable to criticize your grandpa for having a stutter.


I love you even though we disagree on a lot

When he’s already won the primary and he’s running against Donald Fucking Trump, a 40 IQ fascist, he should be afforded all the latitude in the world. Who does it serve to harp on Biden’s fitness now? Only one person comes to mind.