The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Even if 5% of people are infected that is 1000 people which means 5-10 dead probably if not more. Especially when you consider most MAGA martyrs are almost at the rotting corpse stage anyways.

People who weren’t even there will likely die from this.


Trump doesn’t give a shit about his minions. They are just props. If everyone at the rally dies he wouldn’t feel any guilt. Zero. He is an inhuman monster.

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The White House is going to call off the rally on Thursday and Trump/the administration will crow about how he is all about keeping people safe.


IDK. Are there lines on this?

They’re well above average for a chain.

Aside from standard burgers, they have a very solid Vegetarian burger (portebello mushroom) and Chicken Sandwich.

This has to be like 150:1.

If he does that, we should be crowing about how much of a pussy he is and how he can’t make up his mind about what he wants to do.

More on the VOA topic. Looks like they’re getting ready to clean house.

I feel bad but I’m firmly in the fuck em camp for the rally. If they are stupid enough to smoke each other’s exhaust with all the info that’s available then they get what they deserve.


It just occurred to me that in addition to all the drugs Trump takes, I don’t think his Diet Cokes are caffeine-free.

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they should build a steep ramp to the stage. that’ll spook him.


I’m rooting for it to happen and be a disaster. I want the media to spin it as Trump being cowardly and weak-willed if there are reports that he is reconsidering.



I doubt Trump cancels. He’s hellbent on this virus going away. Canceling would mean he acknowledges this is still a problem. That’s why he’s making them sign waivers.
( twitter | raw text )

its a louis ck joke come to life

But, I’m really glad you’re here. This is a sizeable crowd. This is a big place. There’s about 2500 people here, and that’s– That’s a lot of people. That’s enough people to be a sample of the population. 2500 people is enough people that you’re all going to experience– There’s enough people here to say that within two months at least one of you will die. I’m just saying. I think it’s probably accurate to say that out of any random group of 2500 people not all of you are gonna make it to Christmas, unfortunately. There’s gonna be– At least one of you here tonight is going to ruin your family’s Christmas by dying a shitty death. And I don’t know who it is, I’m sorry. I don’t know, your death is whatever–

at 6:25

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Gonna go to the local Trumpy bar and shout at the tv, “Who’s the captain now?”

A lot of crazy shit will happen between now and November, most of it bad for Trump. I wouldn’t be shocked if he quits or otherwise doesn’t make it to the election.

Riverman is like the anger character from Inside Out that lives in everybody’s head.

Keep it coming!

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Now there’s a blistering take.