The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I feel like the markets, during tumultuous times are just big games of chicken.

The autonomous zone should definitely outlaw smoking.

Always projection with MAGAtards. Promote my political message or I’ll fire you, but campus libs are stifling free speech by being mean to bigots.

Trump supporters not racist though.

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Still just going with saying the quiet parts out loud, I see.

First race I’ve watched in its entirety. I would def watch more stuff like this. Though the comedy part helped a lot.


Kinda burner but in a much smaller underground community. It’s never posted online and you gotta know someone who goes and they’re on a private email list and its very strict on who gets invited and they change locations every time. Strict in the sense you only invite people you’d invite into your own home. I’ve posted some livestreams here of the DJs who are playing online now because of quarantine. . It’s like a lil burning man but way less crazy because its like 1-2k people instead of 50k so not as much insane artwork, but I prefer it because its like a small lil community where I know a good chunk of the people and we’re friends outside of it and hung out all the time before the big rona.

But same stuff applies. Barter system, hell even if you got nothing to barter people will feed you at their camps, everyone shares, bottles/joints/mushrooms passed around the campfires. It’s also super diverse, all of the LBGTQ community is represented pretty well, every race, people from all walks of life and pretty much everyone is progressive.


Shit like this will be coming out for years.

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Why short form? Don’t you like to read?

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In honor of Trumps Klan rallies starting back up next week, here’s a reminder of what we’re up against. This is somehow terrifying, incredibly sad, and hilarious all at the same time.


The mythmaking, Jordan writes, began early, when she would fail to correct reporters who cited her age incorrectly, always younger than she was. Despite saying she wouldn’t get plastic surgery, three photographers who worked with her said they’ve seen the scars.

She attended a highly competitive architecture program at the University of Ljubljana, but did not graduate, though she claimed in sworn testimony to have a bachelor’s degree.

There’s also little evidence to suggest her claims of being able to speak four or five languages fluently are true.

“Photographers and others who have worked with her over the years — including native speakers of Italian, French, and German — told me that they never heard her use more than a few words of those languages,” Jordan writes. Reporting in the book suggests she only speaks English and Slovene fluently.

Meeting Trump accelerated that mythmaking, as he introduced her around the city as a “supermodel” when that was not true. Jordan found little evidence even of the story of how they met — he saw her at a club during Fashion Week in 1998 with a more famous model, but was fixated on Melania, who refused to give him her phone number. Multiple sources, including a German modeling agent she was working for that year, told Jordan that they had heard Melania was already dating Trump before the timeline they laid out.

The ease of Melania’s mythmaking has been aided, Jordan posits, by a pattern in her life of making clean breaks with her past. Old friends from Slovenia said they’d never heard from her again. Once close friends from her New York City years say the same thing happened to them.

She “would seize an opportunity and put great effort into it. Then she would move on and never look back,” Jordan writes.


I don’t really care. Do u?


Are you kidding me. Dude is chronically one of the most miserable people on the planet. Being a narcissist is no fun.

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