The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Bonus… :roll_eyes:

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The only two things between us and the hordes!!!

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Then they try to take away your porn!

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Rainbow? Burner?

Maybe if we removed the former, we’d need fewer of the latter?

GDC is only particularly conservative in its DC office. The other offices are all pretty liberal. For instance, GDC was one of the lead law firms in the Prop 8 case out of the LA office. Ted Boutrous, the effective head of the LA office, is very liberal and has been involved in a ton of suits against the Trump administration.

As a note, the lead lawyer on bridgegate (Randy Mastro) is also the lead lawyer here. He’d best be described as a New York Republican in the Bloomberg/old Giuliani style (he was Giuliani’s Chief of Staff/Deputy Mayor and had a prominent role on his failed presidential campaign). He also likes taking cases with political implications, in particular cases where he gets to sue the government.

As a final note, the final bridgegate bill was at least 2-3x that high.

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Lol BigLaw, the entire bargain is getting paid absurd amounts of money to represent absolute scum. Having one or two appellate law specialists isn’t fooling anyone.

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I added music


Has anyone mentioned the coincidental timing and location of Trump’s nomination speech?


Again I feel bad thinking about all the old, obese, diabetic, hypertensive, immunocompromised Trumpkins that will be in Tulsa next week and Jacksonville this summer.

Can you imagine Mitch having to stand in a full arena with no mask on while Trump drones on for 90 minutes.

This may be the biggest Darwin award in history!


I agree. I wouldn’t eat it, but I was listening to a stream from there and the guy said send food, Domino’s is fine, we’re not picky, we just need nourishment. And they’re close.


Thanks for doing that.


Glass houses, man. There were no graphs in that letter; there were no pictures at all!

Between this and the Junteenth Florida Man rally in Tulsa, it seems that Steven Miller must keep a database of historical racial violence that he uses to organize Trump’s schedule. Although to play Devil’s Advocate, it could also be that there’s just so much racism in America that if you just pick a random city and date there’s a good chance some racist shit was going down.


This aint ever happening in a league with Bill Belichick as a coach who likes to defer.


Are you saying my Patriots would even cheat at protesting? Perish the thought !

Naw, cut the coaches out of the loop. Those radios in the helmet can get awfully hard to hear sometimes. Although at this point, maybe there isn’t such a need to raise awareness as just a month ago, and maybe trading not kneeling for something tangible might actually be in order.

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I don’t understand it, to be honest.

They are named after loser traitors. Maybe that is why you have such a soft spot for them.