The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

No! Caesars is much worse than god awful Dominos. I think they put lead or arsenic in their crust.


And he’s a truck racer. Who gives a fuck about truck racers?


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Yes, the new Caesars is horrible. I agree. I won’t order that shit. Old school Caesars with milk carton soda canisters was good though.

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In Japan too, it is completely standard to travel several hours, then stand in line for a couple hours more in pursuit of epicurean pleasure.

I know one such person who will get on a plane and fly from Tokyo to the northern island of Hokkaido, eat a bowl of ramen, and then fly right back home.

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they had editorial standards to throw out the window? wow


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hate to see it

On the other hand, what a terrific spinoff that would be. A bunch of eighteen wheelers racing around the track. Things get real hairy when you attach a load of gasoline behind everyone.

@boredsocial surely you have the contacts to make this happen?

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So a hybrid of Big Rigs and Road Rash?

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You joke (I think) but it’s been done. Both oval track and drag racing. No trailers on the oval tracks though, that would be something else.


If there’s 1 thing the English can do it’s build racing Vehicles.

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Only way to get me to watch racing. Maybe add a family car with a dad, mom, and two little kids to spice it up even more!


If course we have a statue or two - here’s Bomber Harris

not sure how he’s bearing up now but he was the focus of some attention in 2016

Now this is a manly race



I am joking, but you have to admit trailers on the oval would be a must-see event.

Lol I had no idea they’d already done some version of this. The future of humanity looks bright.

Can we get Fast & Furious rules for the trailer trucks? Let them side swipe each other as you pass (or someone tries to pass).

Assuming anyone manages to get the thing over 15mph before having to shift down and start over.


Even better :grinning: