The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Hey… I’ll crack the jokes. :grin:

Inslee would be awesome if he knew nothing about it. Internal affairs of Seattle shouldn’t be any of Olympia’s business.

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Are you watching Star Trek on H&I?

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A review of the arrests of dozens of people on federal charges reveals no known effort by antifa to perpetrate a coordinated campaign of violence. Some criminal complaints described vague, anti-government political leanings among suspects, but the majority of the violent acts that have taken place at protests have been attributed by federal prosecutors to individuals with no affiliation to any particular group.

Even so, Attorney General William P. Barr has blamed antifa for orchestrating the mass protests, which broke out in cities and towns across the country following the death in police custody of George Floyd. “There is clearly some high degree of organization involved at some of these events and coordinated tactics that we are seeing,” Mr. Barr said. “Some of it relates to antifa, some of it relates to groups that act very much like antifa.”

The most serious case that has emerged in federal court involved three men in Nevada linked to a loose, national network of far-right extremists advocating for the overthrow of the U.S. government. They were arrested on May 30 on charges of trying to foment violence during Black Lives Matter protests.

My dream would be to have a large group of people infiltrate one of his rallies and wait for a good 20 minutes and then pull off their shirts to reveal all kinds of protest slogans on tshirts and heckle the hell out of him.

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No but I should be

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To be fair Dallas is the closest major city to Oklahoma City. I went to OU for a semester and I always compared OKC as taking Fort Worth and putting it in the middle of nowhere. But that was many decades ago. Fort Worth has grown so much since then.

I made that three hour drive to Norman regularly back then.

But you are right, especially as you move westward in the US and things open up, people will cover some pretty large distances to do basic things.

Wit or witout? :grin:

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Yep this is exactly her rationale. And it makes sense. Oklahoma City and Norman she says are hugely different now to when she was growing up. She has family and friends in OC so we’ve been quite a bit and it never seems that bad to me, as long as you stay within the city limits that is, and its a few days lol. Thankfully she has no hankering to ever return (she left at 18 over 30 years ago) permanently which suits me just fine.

The two problems here are the novel coronavirus and my low threshold for pain. But I like how you think.

what the fuck is this shit
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big caravan coming!

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The amount of people willing to try and find a rationale to what is so obviously a moron mashing buttons is maddening and almost certainly why 3 1/2 years into this madness he is still in the oval office and not behind bars.

I want to see what his plan is but I know that it’s going to be terrifying.

Watching House of Cards again didn’t do much to diminish my fear of him using a nuclear option
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I must have missed the day they taught America won both world wars.

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