The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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The real looting is continuing and without any consequences


Not sure which of those two I find more irritating.

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Donald Trump’s ties definitely have piss on them from hanging too low and touching the inside rim of the toilet when sits for his Twitters sessions.


My support for Trump wavered a bit after he tear-gassed those nuns standing outside their church so that he could have a photo-op, but after thinking about it some more those nuns probably deserved it.


My wife’s from Oklahoma City and she would tell me that they would think nothing of driving to Dallas for weekend shopping trips. I’m from the UK and it never ceases to amaze me how Americans from that part of the world are so nonchalant about traveling a few hundred miles on a whim.


I haven’t been to a rally, but I’m most likely going to this one. My ear is not as near the ground as it used to be, so the only protest I’m aware of is BLM’s. If you Facebook you might ask your question here:

IIRC Trump came to the Mabee Center (Oral Roberts University’s basketball arena) during primary season, and Pence during the general. Small protests both times, but everything seemed peaceful. Obviously the atmosphere is a bit more charged now. I suspect this one will be at the downtown basketball/concert arena, which has a much larger capacity. So…who knows?

Truth be told I’m a little more worried about Tulsa’s finest than I am about 2A enthusiasts/boogaloos/Proud Boys. The police haven’t acted with perfect decorum these last 2 weeks, but certainly not as badly as a lot of PDs. But there’s certainly no lack of tension between TPD and our black community.


I believe a Tulsa cop is the one who said they aren’t killing as many blacks as they should be. Might even have been a high ranking one

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Yep. A Major. He’s been a yearslong sticking point between TPD and our black activist community.


Does Phil bink?

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Eventually. Just keep watching the clip.

Someone should check any tweets those nuns made. Questionable ties? INVESTIGATE

They have piss on them but it’s not his.


It’s pretty much all Americans. Unless you in a major city, you basically need a car. I used to drive to Philly to get a cheese steak even though it was 3 hrs away lol.

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( twitter | raw text )

Liz?.. No he just berated her… While she laughed in his face. :rofl:
( twitter | raw text )

Whattttt? :thinking::eyes:🏃‍♂


So check our how this would work

-Mnuchin gets hauled before Porter’s committee to answer questions about the loans

-Mnuchin claims (lies) that the info is “confidential” and refuses to disclose who received the loans, exposing himself to charges of obstruction of justice and perjury/lying to Congress

-Congress refers Mnuchin to DOJ for prosecution

-AG Barr then REFUSES to prosecute, citing precedent in the Flynn case: Since there was no underlying crime committed (the loans were not illegal) then the lies told don’t really matter. Mnuchin walks

This is the new reality