The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

In an ideal world where you control the outcome, I’d wish for the same. But since this is very definitely not an ideal world, hoping for him to go quietly is preferable.


Jesus Christ.

Sounds like the administration is waking up to defunding the police!

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LOL Trump got bribed by Saudi Arabia for arms sales, SHOCKING


lol she would just not go after them like she did with Mnuchin and his bank and then she would laugh at people who want to take money from prisons and build more schools, crazy progressives

And the wildest part is she’s talking to people in fucking Chicago where we have done nothing but shut schools down for more police
( twitter | raw text )

Shit, we should probably defund police organizations then.

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( twitter | raw text )


Dang. I was hoping he’d stop by and troll Trumpbot with us.

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100% of Popes say Trump is racist and American Catholics should not vote for him. The murder of black people by police is just as important as being against abortion. (Lol on that but it is a pretty big move from the right to life insanity)

in a proper country his insanely sleazy corruption would have been on the front page of every newspaper for the last 3.5 years. crazy grandpa is rodeo clowning his shit, i’d love it too


Dude is admittedly just sitting there watching the tube during a pandemic, the largest economic catastrophe in our nation’s history, and massive social unrest over racial issues.

Don’t get me wrong, him sitting on his fat ass and slowly rotting from the inside is exactly what I want him to be doing, but it’s amazing that he comes right out and admits it.

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bernie’s people would have had someone follow trump the whole way and livestream it on instagram. biden will probably demand his people give trump space and let him have dignity lol i am expecting the worst from this biden presidency. there’s not gonna be any prosecutions, he’ll probably pardon trump and the kids and roger stone. the no fun presidency.


when he saw images of dozens of angry ar15-wielding men demanding the governor be presented to them, he tweeted, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” even though that governor was only doing what the trump/pence pandemic squad was officially recommending. i mean he never misses an opportunity. is that really what the republican political tacticians are recommending?


This is what most older white boomers do every day. And they golf once in a while. He’s representative of his base, he’s only an outlier when compared against normal politicians.

Are you sitting down?


I’m hoping he has people around him who will talk him out of a pardon because it would instantly tank his approval ratings to like 30%. Pretty much EVERYONE on the left hates trump badly and wants him to go to jail