The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Last 3 months of Trump administration:


Cautiously optimistic:

You know, having Copala Harris as VP and eventual President might not be such a bad thing with so many thugs, criminals and animals that need to be locked up from this administration.

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You guys are pretty naive if you think Trump is stepping down quietly. Dude is compromised by Russia. He will do whatever Putin tells him to do and I’m pretty fucking sure Putin ain’t gonna tell him to step down quietly.

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Some of us are hoping he doesn’t step down quietly.

What, exactly, are you hoping will happen if he doesn’t step down quietly?

It’s crazy to risk him staying in power for whatever propaganda value that would yield and you don’t have a “burn it down” badge.

Something that he finds humiliating when he is forced to step down. I just want this to be as painful as possible for him.

Confirm an assload more of his judicial nominees while the confirmin’s good!

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“Schedule” lol

Jacksonville is the perfect place for the RNC.


It really is.

looooool Jax

It’s south Georgia

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Election security sucks and we have a full court press on voter suppression.

Economic recovery is tenuous and with Covid cases spiking I fear a second wave of shutdowns (even if It’s self-imposes by people not government this time)

It’s actually surprising that we haven’t heard more out of Duval re: the protests of police violence. Growing up in that area I heard all sorts of stories about how terribly racist and corrupt their PD was.
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