The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

So, how does it feel to get your first professional win?

It feels out there, I mean it’s a major rush. [Grabs the reporter’s recorder and continues talking into it] I mean, it doesn’t just feel out there, I mean it feels out there, you know? Um, kind of radical in a kind of tubular way, you know? But, most of all, it’s out there…

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I’m not sweating it since trump retweeted the video about “dead democrats” and got cheered on for it

Good way to avoid the 'Rona as well.


The ultimate trolling, if Dems witn the Pres + Senate + House, is to finally make voting day a federal holiday and call it “We dumped Trump day”.

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Ugh, don’t give him any ideas imo.

It was his dumb idea.
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It really can’t be said enough. Imagine being President and spending your time this way. Even if you are a nakedly corrupt grifter it’s a terrible use of time!


He has his kids to grift for him. He is just an angry grandpa that wants to yell at the TV from his recliner.

Jared…thinks this is funny?

I just think I am going to temper my enthusiasm until a successful transfer of power.


Seeing Jared in a striped jumpsuit behind bars will be immensely satisfying. Here’s to hoping we get an aggressive AG who actually goes after these criminals after Nov 3rd.


I know there are a lot of punchable faces these days, but Jared really manages to go above and beyond.


I would hope it would be like when someone got fired on the apprentice.

They had to leave the boardroom, acknowledge the receptionist, wait in the elevator, ride down to the ground floor, then go through the lobby pulling your wheelie suitcase, through the doors past the doorman and into a waiting town car.

That is what I want Trump’s exit to look like.


Another member of Jeb’s prestigious branch of the Bush bush.

Agreed. There is so much one could do and you have essential access to almost anything you could ever imagine.

If I made a list of 9999 things to do as president, Trump’s daily routine wouldn’t come close to being on the list.

I would likely fail as I would be too busy consuming all the data and information I could.

But other people could choose to go screw off anywhere in the world.

We know no small children of this era will want to grow up and be president. The average eight year old does more in a day than Trump.


If you’ve got Georgia in the swing state column, you’re not a beaten down as you think.

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