The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

He’s a weenie with a megaphone.

He’ll whine and complain about how it was rigged until the day he dies, but when push comes to shove, he’ll go.

where’s trump denies election result, enough military and police are on his side DC has to burn down the white house to get him out of there option?

Or Trump and co cheat enough where they win, not sure what happens with that scenario though

joe biden gives a televised speech 1 minute later congratulating Our President and wishing him the best of luck with his agenda to keep america great


i fantasize about secret service putting trump in a headlock to remove him from the oval, but most likely biden’s top secret service guy will have a 30-second chat with trump’s top secret service guy, and trump’s guys lie to him and tell him he’s going into a double secret ultra secure bunker but they just walk him to the car


On this week’s Ask Preet bonus episode, you’ll listen to two former federal prosecutors decide if they think the “defund the police” slogan is good. The answer will not surprise you!


Maybe I’m a sucker but if he loses and it isn’t close and RBG is still alive I think he’s gone. The Secret Service and military aren’t going to keep him in office. He will negotiate immunity, rant and rave on Twitter, and go away peacefully.


That’s a strong concussion stance from SCHLAPPY

Are you stealing my bit?


I posted it way earlier ITT but currently only about 40% of active duty military support Trump and I’m willing to bet only a fraction of them would be willing to stage a coup for him. I think we’re pretty safe from the military, may even have them on our side guessing by how military leaders are basically ignoring him in regards to the riots and 90% hate his guts.

Police would be an issue though, last poll I saw said like 86% support Trump.


we should let them fight then. let the police make some use of their tanks.

I’m not a fan of anyone in uniform and a gun, but I’ll be happy to watch the army squash some police officers in a humvee.


I don’t think police would actively protect him. More likely a bunch of militia types show up and cops just refuse to confront them.
( twitter | raw text )

Who is George P. Bush?


Man they really love the George name in that family, didn’t even know this guy existed before this lol

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Jeb’s son lol

Ldo. He won’t be able to do anything either in terms of negotiating his surrender after the BIDEN LANDSLIDE.

The P stands for Please Clap.


For the nth time, trump is a coward in any time that he’s not on the toilet with the tweeter machine. The only real question is if he tries to pardon himself.


This. He’s the Wizard of Oz and Twitter is his megaphone. Take it from him and he will sulk quietly away.