The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Trump luckboxed the hell out of the last election. He barely won, and even that was arguably pushed over the edge with the uhoh reopening of Buttery Males just before the election.

His supporters are more entrenched over time, but he is not gaining support. He has lost it domestically and globally.

Is there even anything on the horizon that looks like it might be a game changer on election day?

Any chance this Charles Brown connects with the football?


Schumer you suck, but this quote bought you at least a day

“Pres. Trump should go back to hiding in the bunker”

I feel like I am going to be holding my breath for 4.5 months.

I am guessing the average American, beyond politics, wants the convenience of mail in balloting, and if fraud potential exists they expect the government to stop it, not just say “oh well no mail in voting.”

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The easiest way to rig the election IMO involves waiting until like mid-October to move, and I’m hoping they aren’t smart enough to figure it out.

The problem is he is not capable of doing any of that, nor is he smart enough to think of it. I think almost everyone in his administration is praying for a November loss so they can really get their grift on. For most of them, government salaries are not cutting it.

Note: I am not thinking for even a second Trump would be competitive in the election but all of that will be in spite of himself. The Republican Party in total has extraordinarily strong motivation to get Trump re elected. Trump wants to get re elected simply so he can gloat.

I try not to get optimistic, which is not hard given all that is going on and how a big portion of my world view has been dramatically altered in the last five years.

Even in a scenario where Trump loses in November there would be no happiness or celebration to be had. As he has a couple months to burn everything to the ground and then not step down.

I have zero doubt they’ll try, and sadly there are plenty of very smart GOP operatives with experience.

However, elections are administered at the state and local level so the Democrats better be way out in front of the bullshit in swing states with GOP administered elections (especially where hack party loyalists have immense power). Ohio, Florida, Georgia, I’m looking at you.

I think that’s why this isn’t catching on. This isn’t some outrageous boogeyman for them to point at while they do something else. Trumpers believe in the purity of their own intentions and actions. Mail-in voting might have the potential for fraud with BAD people, but that’s not going to stop a Trumper from using mail-in voting. They know THEY would never commit voter fraud.

Wait. Are you saying we shouldn’t celebrate until the new Prez is sworn in? That’s reasonable, though I think unlikely to be heeded.

Or do you really think the streets won’t be filled to the brim with people celebrating the end of this idiot’s reign?

I’m more concerned with getting out in front of county level fuckery in blue Gov-SoS swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

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We celebrate the night of the election, assuming he doesn’t give some crazy voter fraud I’m not stepping down speech. We maybe celebrate the next day. Then we buckle up for a very bumpy nearly three months.


Sounds great :+1:

Trump losing the 2020 election is the ultimate bullet dodge.

Biden mostly keeping a low profile is pretty smart given his own incompetence.

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Yeah, but the narrator may have a few things to say about, “if he doesn’t give a crazy voter fraud I’m not stepping down speech.”

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The biggest risk nobody’s talking about is RBG dying. If that happens, it’s game over.


Who knows? More rape allegations? Photos of his son murdering Jeffrey Epstein? I will never underestimate Putin again.

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I feel like we’ve discussed that on here before. Yeah if she passes before a new POTUS is sworn in, it’s game, set, match, Fourth Reich underway. Trump, Don Jr, Ivanka, etc will be president until one of them fucks around and starts WW4, at which point we either have a global Fourth Reich or someone kicks our ass.

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  • trump is privately begging to lose because he hates the job. does the obama thing and cordially hands over power
  • trump denies the elction result, but later softens somewhat and does the motions at the inauguration of new potus, while claiming for the rest of his life that due to some technicality he’s still actually the president
  • trump denies the election result, remains president because 41 senators control the country
  • trump denies the election result, inauguration day happens anyway and new potus has secret service remove him
  • trump denies the election result, military removes him some time after mcconnell somehow delays inauguration indefinitely

0 voters

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Did anyone here post in SMP enough to know who this guy is? I’ve got one lead, but someone PM’d it to me so I don’t feel at liberty to speculate on that one.