The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

At this rate you people won’t make it to election Day. The guy at the top is completely off his spaceship. You better just hope that OAN doesn’t push for nuking the antifa strongholds.

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Zuck just saying fuck it and going full Bond villain.

Article is from 2016



That OAN tweet along with the video should be in every Democrat campaign.

Seems like easy ad. Start with Trump saying he supports peaceful protests. Show the clip of the old man peacefully protesting and still getting beat. Leave up the image of him bleeding from the ear and superimpose Trump’s tweet over it (with perhaps a voice actor imitating him and reading it).

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Add this to Trump order to teargas peaceful protesters so he can pose with a bible at a church. Add the clip of the Bishop saying he wasn’t authorized nor supported.

Demand Michael Bloomberg buy 5 billion dollar worth of air time for those ads.

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Good god.


Good for her for recognizing how narrow the OFB support was.

Looking at the polls history at RCP (i hope it’s reliable source), Hillary was + double digits in October in Michigan. You think these polls matter right now? I don’t like to be optimistic.

Sorry, this poll had only 28% self-identified Republicans and they will not accept anything less than 33%.

But seriously, this does not bode well for their strategy of going all in on demonizing mail-in voting:


Oh shit, insanely Trump fanatic dad said he’s done with Trump after that last tweet.

I mean yeah still likely voting for him but if someone as insane as my dad has had enough Trump is in big fucking toruble.


Oh! Well racism is solved. Thanks Mr P!

Just noticed Trump has 82 million followers on Twitter? Wasn’t it around 50 million? Russia is ramping up the bot accounts.

Do the roundups start after Miller’s speech? I mean this dude is an active, fully conscious of it white supremacist. There has to be some chance that Trump just loses the mask entirely, says white people made this country great and he’s ordering the immediate arrest and indeterminate hold of anyone arrested supporting BLM.

I think Trump’s complete refusal to live in reality may just save the country.

We’ve seen already, nobody is going to stop him. What he “should” be doing is going full fascist, with Bill Barr investigating, arresting and charging political opponents with cover from Senate committees and conservative media. There is zero reason not to do this, it is obvious the Republican Party will let him do literally anything. He “should” also be doing more to actively rig the 2020 election. Again, nobody would stop him from doing it.


“We propose a Final Solution to the problem of race relations in the United States.”