The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

This is what I said, only not on Twitter :man_shrugging:

Someone should put together a list of how to boycott Republicans. Maybe a filter on Yelp or Amazon or something that checks against companies that donate to the GOP or anyone affiliated with Trump.


How about having a literal rapist as President and putting a literal rapist on the Supreme Court? Good or bad for rapists?


A large percentage of that are probably people that absolutely tune anything negative about him out. Like they’ll say the coronavirus is a myth even though Trump himself has said over 100K died. Hell one if them is my BIL even though my brother was diagnosed back in March.

He’s done more for rapists than any other president in history, so is rightly concerned at people stealing his thunder.

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Someone did do this after the election in 2016. It was this huge deal called #GrabYourWallet. It was big, there was all this pearl-clutching by the Tuckers and the Lauras and the Mahers worried about muh sponsors. I’m like 90% sure the phrase “cancel culture” was born from it.

And then



Something still there! Thanks.

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Is Trump even referencing a real poll here, or is this another he just made up?

It’s a poll of his immediate family.

The voice in my head is doing



That’s what I was looking at:

AFAIK Florida mandated very few statewide mitigation measures. Still having linear growth after three+ months is obviously bad but it isn’t as bad I expected it to be.

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This is a special kind of stupid

Dat ratio. Does he get ratioed much? Doesn’t seem it.

Really that was like the easiest “say/do nothing” ever and he still had to stick his foot in it. I wonder if these protests are bringing more attention to his Twitter and what an absolute bozo he is.


Oh hey, I’m not the only one who’s noticed that these Democratic ads going after Trump are useless:

Allow me to interrupt the normal service with some mindless optimism:

It’s a testament to how unhinged he is. Just one election ago, presidents left the most egregious propaganda for their surrogates to shout, but now Trump is the GOP’s surrogate.

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( twitter | raw text )

lol, don’t think thats going to do it Donny