The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Diamond and Silk is a lock

He’ll name drop an athlete as a friend. Probably Tiger.

He’ll blame Obama and claim he’s the racist.

He’ll make up a story about how a black man came up to him sobbing and thanking him for ending racism. It will be unbelievable how hard this man was sobbing.

He’ll name drop a black cop.

He’ll say all lives matter but won’t say black lives matter.

He’ll call Colin Kaepernick a son of a bitch.

He’ll make Ben Carson stand next to him and refer to him as his friend while Carson stares forlornly into the abyss while whatever remains as his soul melts away.


“Let’s talk about the greatest racial injustice today: Door Dash offering free delivery from only Black-owned restaurants. I have directed Bill Barr to launch a full investigation of this grave infringement of civil rights.”


Hes definitely gonna point out this is happening in Democratic cities because democrats are the real racists and the problem is racist policies like welfare and taxes.

He will also talk a lot about god cops.

My black friend
Zirconia & polyester
I mean of course BLM, ALL lives matter.
Kanye Loves me more than himself.
Jobs Jobs Jobs, possibly 6 mil, going up to 10 easily, I mean have you seen the numbers, it’s beautiful, not like the protest, its getting smaller have you seen.
Antifa, Antifa light, Antifa soldiers, Antifa anarchist, Antifa super soldiers may have gone home.
We can’t have unrest, can we Carson.
Did you see the amount of Black people at my rallys.
Those NYC Cops sure showed the govener up.


Judging by how on topic he’s been lately, I’d say there’s a good chance he doesn’t mention race at all.


What have you got to lose?
Frederick Douglasson
Booker T, Booker T, you know that guy with the bootstraps
Many wonderful blacks, they love me!

I assume there is zero chance this dem bill becomes law?



Obama is more likely to give a speech about the genetic inferiority of black people based on their skull shape than trump is to give a racial unity speech.


Jesus Christ Fox News

On the plus side, I guess that’s Fox’s line of shame??

Yeah, what RiskyFlush said.

Trump is never winning 40 states. That’s absurd.

WA/OR/CA/HI/VT/MA/CT/RI/NY/NJ/DE/MD/IL are the lockest of locks.

If he successfully frames Dems as wanting to abolish police and not replace them, I think Massachusetts, Maryland, and New Jersey could go red. All have now or have recently had Republican governors.

40% approval rating with THE BLACKS (even though 8% total voted for him. Lul)

Candace Owens

Lowest black unemployment EVER. Or at least since slavery.

Greatest economy in the history of the world

Invisible enemy



Dems want to abolish police departments. LAWLESSNESS



He’s not winning any of those states, dude. If you’re still operating under the hypothetical “what if Biden goes all in on abolishing cops,” then I dunno, maybe? (Probably still no). But that hypothetical is not going to happen. You might as well contemplate how the campaign plays out if Joe Biden drop kicks a baby on live television. It’s about equally likely.


Lowest black unemployment of any president in history. “Honest Abe” couldn’t achieve what I did. Maybe, some people say he was too honest, I don’t know.


Stephen Miller is going to write him a speech completely plagiarized from a book of Martin Luther King Jr. speeches.


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