The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Trump speech on race will be just as bad as the rest of the Oval Office speeches. And it will be glorious.

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Anyone down for making some legit bingo cards if he does this? I feel like I can make one that fill up easy.


Make this happen please

Non-zero chance he drops the n-word.

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I for one can’t wait to be lectured to on this topic by this orange pig-man racist.
( twitter | raw text )

Oh poor baby! Your fee fees got hurt by the dirty and mean liberals.

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“This country will not be free of racism until both white and black people alike can say the n-word.”

A Trump speech on race would significantly increase the chance of more and larger protests (aka “race riots”).

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Aristotle had no idea who would become the poster boy for hubris.

If Trump were less of a pussy he would challenge Obama and Biden to compete with him on a live broadcast of Black Jeopardy.


We already know Trump’s pro nascar so I don’t get why people are upset on his race speech.

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Trump is going to give a unifying race speech. This entire fucking timeline is all ONION!

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Trump simply came to the mic, screamed the N-word and walked away with a big smile on his face.


Ok bingo lets do it, my contributions:

“you people”
“black unemployment record low”
“some of which, I assume…”
“all lives matter” (free space)


“Abraham Lincoln”
“My black guy”
“Sugar & spice” (or whoever those two dimwitted idiots are
“The blacks love MAGA/MAGA loves the blacks”
“Blacks are equal now. They used to be slaves but we set them free”


I was thinking Abraham Lincoln was way up there on the list for sure

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God his strong and powerful race speech would be insufferable. Unless, of course, at some point in his rambling bullshit he stutters, “and tomorr- toot- toddleloooo…” while half of his putty face melts like a Dali clock from stroke paralysis and he bounces headfirst into the podium with a fantastic clunk


It will almost certainly be him begrudgingly reading off a teleprompter, obviously pissed off. He’s so far gone that even the most gullible media won’t take it seriously. He will tweet some absurd shit like an hour after it’s over and everyone will forget it ever happened. There’s a small chance he goes YOLO but he’s really only ever done that at pressers to date.


My black
Son of a bitch
Slavery was a long time ago
Some people say there is more crime in black communities
I love the blacks
Why are they so mad
Carson Carson Carson

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