The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

That just means Trump is now going to correct the error in April but never once acknowledge it in May.

If they know there’s an error why not just post the number at 16% or 19% or whatever. Why not report it as 16% and a note on the bottom that says this number reflects a 3.3% calculation increase due to an error in reporting?

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( twitter | raw text )

And maybe the reporters here have an opportunity to DO BETTER.

Futilely replied to Nate Silver:


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Why is it that Republicans are the only ones that can put together decent attack ads?


That is some fire!


How surprising the only Muslims these chuds like are fascist dictators


Why on earth would any educational institution anywhere ever have Ivanka give a speech on literally anything?

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Article says “WSU Tech”, which i assume means White Supremacists University.

( twitter | raw text )



Top comment attempts to summarize the narrative and closes with:

This is somewhat going off memory and a skim through the wiki, so some of this is probably grossly oversimplified or wrong


See this is what I’ve been saying. Democrats are obsessed with winning ‘the right way’ to the point where they’ve basically become the first round of British generals facing off vs Napoleon getting angry that he wasn’t ‘fighting honorably’.

Like we’ve seen this movie before. Robert E Lee managed to clobber one general after another until we sent in a real professional who proceeded to do the task in workmanlike fashion. It’s time for the Democrats to stop trying to win pretty and get their hands dirty. Politics may never be the same, and that’s on the GOP.


So the jobs reports have mysteriously had the same easily identifiable error coincidentally over the last two months? Not that it will matter to the markets they will probably ignore it and go green Monday.

Just skimming I don’t see a peep about it.

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Said the living embodiment of what the Allies were fighting against.

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I don’t think they are obsessed with winning the right way. If both sides are always attacking, it further polarizers the bases and the centrists that don’t really pay attention end up tuning out and not voting.

We follow politics here but vast majority of voters don’t. They have about as much interest in politics as I do Halloween. Yea, when it’s October I’m aware of candy and pumpkins and shit but IDGAF about it from Nov 1st to Oct 25th.

Now you can argue these people are idiots for not giving a shit but that’s not on the Dems.

Go find a single Hillary ad from the 2016 cycle as good as that attack ad, and I’ll concede the point. You can’t though because it doesn’t exist. This campaign hasn’t even started in earnest yet as you just pointed out.