The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

It’s a good ad but that’s not what I’m saying. The Dems strategy is to unite the country. They can’t do that if they are on the attack like the GOP is. Go talk to someone that doesn’t follow politics and ask if they prefer Trump or Biden. You’ll get a bunch of both sides are horrible. It simply doesn’t register with them. They do not care.

This ad is hugely unifying. That’s what makes it so good. It contains zero real attacks on the typical red OR blue voters ideology. It hits Trump in a series of vulnerabilities that would be pretty bipartisan if the right wing media covered any of it, but even there it uses video footage pretty well to prove the point.

Look at these guys website: . They’ve literally got a crowdsourced content generation platform built and ready to go. And it’s fucking glorious. I’ve been looking at it for half an hour, and it’s as devastating as it is brilliant. This is a truly modern campaign tool and I urge you guys to go look at it and think about the ramifications of it.

What is your basis/support for this statement? You just keep repeating that Dem attack ads don’t work because voter don’t care, but what is your evidence?

Not saying you’re wrong, but there are some examples of D’s winning with negative strategies - the most recent example is Doug Jones. If not for the attack hitting Moore hard as a sexual abuser I’m pretty sure Jones doesn’t win.

I didn’t notice any gay bashing in that ad.

While we are on the topic of misinformation.

She will be in jail soon


Holy shit, Kanye West might have been under deep cover the whole time? I mean there are still some absurd things he said, but this is kind of crazy. Or he just woke up from all this and hadn’t made any donations yet this cycle.


How long before Trump calls him a weak bitch?

Looks like this guy’s daughter is a super genius. Check out that sentence structure at 5 months.


Not impressed. Really not that hard to play “Are you smarter than the President?”

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And right on cue


I’m saying that’s the Dems strategy. If it were up to me I’d run ads calling Trump a straight up Nazi.

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I know I’m late to the party, but I disagree. This is more of a Clayton Bigsby situation. He absolutely deserves to have the mask ripped off and face the fallout from the members of his club.


Trumps big beautiful wall. Around the whitehouse.


How they gonna pay for it?

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That’s at least 2 Trump Inauguration Crowds.

( twitter | raw text )

What if she doesn’t show up?
